r.severe said:
In my opinionÂ….
On the subject or ranking being revoked.
It would be very strange to revoke a personÂ’s ranking in a system of martial arts.
The system would have to have some type of agreement before the student received the ranking to be able to revoke the license.
It would be strange? I have always required students to sign off on a "code of conduct." If any of the rules in this "code" are violated, then they will lose their ranks, titles, etc., depending on the severity of the violation. Regardless, Sacharnoski holds an "Honorary" 10th Dan. It would be very silly to revoke someones "honorary" rank. I believe Hatsumi refused to sign off on his Shidoshikai license, pending the outcome of the court cases Sacharnoski is involved in. (Both of which, have really already been determined.) Very smart move on Hatsumi's part.
If not then it is foolish to believe the ranking can be just taken away without the agreement. Of course this person could be asked to leave the organization, if they were a member in the first place. I have spoken with and done a demo for the jukokai here in Dallas in 1992 at SMU. They were a very good group of people.
Yes, and they always appear to be a "nice, christian" group of individuals. Until you dig a bit further. Sacharnoski depends on their "brotherhood" to maintain his "status." Anyone who can read can easily see how Sacharonski has twisted the truth to make him appear to be "better." If I remember correctly, it was Kent Bergstrom who used to have the signature that stated, "Right or Wrong, I stand behind my sensei." That should tell you two things. Number one, Bergstrom at least admitted to the possibility that Sacharnoski has in fact lied, and number two, Bergstrom doesn't care, and stands behind the misdeeds anyway. That's the way Jukokai works.
After the demo Mr Ron sent a letter to Hatsumi sensei in Japan about my efforts. Hatsumi sensei replied with good feelings during our conversations about Mr Ron.I have a copy of the letter in my files if I remember correctly.
Sacharnoski does this alot, in an attempt to further bolster his recognitions and claims. Look at the Hontai Yoshin Ryu situation. He spent time over there, doing demonstrations and such, and then when he got back home, he requested the approval to "represent" the arts in the US.
The question would be if Mr Ron is license by Hatsumi sensei with any ranking.
If so it should be between Mr Ron and Hatsumi sensei. Not a forum or group of teachers to speak of him poorly because of skills or knowledge of the license Hatsumi sensei has given him. Honorary or not.
These are not becoming efforts of a warrior to create lies, ill feelings or gossip towards a human being.
So, informing the general public about Sacharnoski's mis-deeds is not "becoming of a warrior", but lying about your past, lineages, recognitions, etc., is ok by your standards? Sacharnoski has repeatadly, and continues, to lie about his history, ranks, associations, etc., all in an attempt to further bolster his self-proclaimed title of " WestÂ’s highest graded, non-Asian martial arts master".
If you feel poorly about a license then why not take it up face to face with Mr Ron? Honor my friends.
Ahhh....I was expecting this. This is another tactic that Jukokai-ites like to use. "If you have a problem with me, tell me to my face." It's no longer necessary Ralph. It's been done through the court system.
I must say that I am quite surprised by your backing of this individual. I know your viewpoints don't always jive with those of your Bujinkan comrades (which in alot of cases, is good). However, I never expect to see you back and support such a fraud. Just a question, this demonstration that you did for Rod. Were you paid for it?