Check out the following link.
You will see that Ryan Reed has stated what I did not, that Hatsumi has refused to renew Sacharnoski's Shidoshikai membership. Of course, you have to kind of filter out the misdirection and their contention that he does not need it due to being an honorary tenth dan, but he does say that Sacharnoski is not a Shidoshikai member
at least until he wins a court case. He has had two go against him so far, I would not hold my breath waiting for him to be re-instated.
For those of you who do not know what that means, real rank is not revoked in the Bujinkan. If you pass the fifth dan test, the fact you had that skill does not go away no matter how vile a thing you may do later on. But all people who teach in the Bujinkan are required to be members of the shidoshikai. You have to renew each year to be a teacher in good standing. If you are not a member, then you can not say you are a Bujinkan teacher. So, Sacharnoski can't teach Bujinkan in good faith- and don't say it Jeff. We are all thinking it anyway.