Juko-Kai Ninjutsu?

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Hey if I am not mistaken wasnt Shihan Wilson just awarded a 13 Dan by Hatsumi Sensi. I believe that would make him one of the highest ranked person outside of Japan.

Uhm..no...not even close.

Why would any other person question his ability if the man himself(Hatsumi)awarded his rank.

Because often times Hatsumi sensei will award rank to people merely to allow them to hang themselves on their own rope.

People can say what they want about Sacraknowskis Sensi and Wilson Sensi but what it all boils down to they are both good at what they do and they will always have people sniping at them.

Hrm...fraud and empire building?...respectively of course.
I actually forgotten all about this thread until a new post came up and put it back in the spotlight....and I just had to answer this post!

Originally posted by bujinclergy
Hey Dave,
If you want to find out just ask on :
In reference to "deaf"
since your handle left out the second half... I'll help you out.

Sacharnoski Sensei is Shidoshikai so he can reccomend promotions if he chooses. If people want proof then you can go to a clinic of his or his home and ask to see his Shidoshikai card. Thats probably the only way he is going to waste his time with any of you.

Oh really cute...! Did you think of that one all by yourself?

Well I would assume that Shidoshi kai is part of the "HONORARY" title the guy received from Hatsumi Sensei but this doesn't change the fact that Sacharnoski still only has an "HONORARY" title. Any person in their rightful mind would KNOW that an HONORARY title doesn't give them the power to recommend nor teach an art!

I know you are going to say that the man has earned dan rank under wilson. ok I would accept that however wilson is sacharnoski's student as well. Something just isn't right about that! Sounds a lot like "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" type business.

This discussion will go nowhere really. I have my opinions about the situation and if someone asks, I will voice them. My opinion cannot be changed based on what you have provided and my opinion regarding you is less than favorable due to your ignorant comment about my handle...but I think it just goes to show your character really well.

Have a GREAT day training!
I know this is like throwing gasoline on a dying fire, but...

Sacharnoski Sensei is Shidoshikai so he can reccomend promotions if he chooses.

I thought the shidoshi-kai was the license that all legitimate shidoshi carry to prove that they are certified instructors.

And if Sacharnowski is a licensed shidoshi, does that mean he returns to the hombu dojo every year for re-certification?
Sacharnoski has ranking under Wilson. Period. Now a lot of Bujinkan people will tell you that he has nothing legitimate, or that he's not apart of the "Bujinkan" but the "Bujinkan Brotherhood."

Face it guys. Like it or not, he's attached. I guess you could refer to him as the "black sheep" of the family.

Let it be known that my problems with the Sachmeister have never been about his abilities. I have never seen him perform, so I can't really comment. But....people who claim such wild ranks and titles are typically only trying to make up for the lack of skill. Now I don't know if that applies here, but if he spent half as much time working out that he spends looking for recognition, then no one could stop him.

As for Kent's comment about "becoming Koga", why not? I mean, the Vice President of Juko Kai now has rank in both Koga Ryu Ninjutsu, and the Bujinkan. Why shouldn't Juko Kai just claim to be the only system to have lineage in both Ninjutsu based arts?

Geez...I'm only giving them ideas.

End of :soapbox:
Originally posted by Dennis_Mahon I thought the shidoshi-kai was the license that all legitimate shidoshi carry to prove that they are certified instructors.

This is partially correct. All Shidoshi-kai members are licensed to grade and teach the Bujinkan Arts. It varies from group to group how that is organized. A shidoshi is Godan or above. Just because you are a Godan or above does not make you a Shidoshi. Not all members of Shidoshi-Kai are Shidoshi. Some are Shidoshi-Ho. They are licensed formally but are below Godan in grading.

And if Sacharnowski is a licensed shidoshi, does that mean he returns to the hombu dojo every year for re-certification? [/B]

Sacharnoski Sensei is licensed through the Shidoshi-Kai, has a valid certificate and Shidoshi-Kai membership card to prove all of this.

My comment about becoming Koga was a sarcastic remark directed at "Bujingodai" nothing more. It figures it is taken out of context. But thats the technique now isn't it... Sneaky Ninja's ;)
I apologize to Dave for the dig. I will respect him for whatever he believes he should do for his views. :asian:
As I am full Shidoshi, licensed by Hatsumi Sensei and graded by Hatsumi Sensei in Japan, and a licensed Shidoshi Kai member, I teach as Hatsumi Sensei guides all of us to do.
I personally go to Japan every year and plan to continue to.
What everyone else does is there buisness so you will have to speak to them about that.
As for Kent's comment about "becoming Koga", why not? I mean, the Vice President of Juko Kai now has rank in both Koga Ryu Ninjutsu, and the Bujinkan. Why shouldn't Juko Kai just claim to be the only system to have lineage in both Ninjutsu based arts?

No existing "Koga ryu" is Ninjutsu based.

They are Judo based, and Karate based, and Kung Fu based, and Tae Kwon Do based. But no Ninpo.
Wow Kent that was good I didn't even realize you took a dig at me! Why's that considering I was supportive of Johns organization did you pick on the indie to fit with a crowd?

I am a legitamite Yudansha in the Bujinkan as well, I am a member. However yes I am an admin in an indie org. One which one of my teachers claims some of that angle on things. Do I nessecarily (sp) agree, no not really. I was just honoring that.

I am hardly one of the Ninja Cowboys out there, I am one of the few indies who is realistic in approach and cares about reputation. I have also trained with the vast majority of them so I could see for myself what they are made of.

Can I ask again why it is you took a 2 yr old website, actually we forgot the HTML codes to change it. And decided to ram on me?

Incedentaly, I don't see that teacher any longer so I guess my fake Koga side is gone. Personally I could care less if you called it Fugu style. I learned something.
Originally posted by heretic888
No existing "Koga ryu" is Ninjutsu based.

They are Judo based, and Karate based, and Kung Fu based, and Tae Kwon Do based. But no Ninpo.

Uh. yeah, i'm aware of the reality of that statement. Unfortunately, there are those who do not. "Dr." William Durbin, Soke of Kiyojute Ryu and a Shodan in the Bujinkan (and the Vice President of Juko Kai), does in fact claim to be a master of Koga Ha Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo and Ninjutsu. I'm not taking up for him by any means. Just listing what he claims.
Originally posted by Jeff Boler
Uh. yeah, i'm aware of the reality of that statement. Unfortunately, there are those who do not. "Dr." William Durbin, Soke of Kiyojute Ryu and a Shodan in the Bujinkan (and the Vice President of Juko Kai), does in fact claim to be a master of Koga Ha Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo and Ninjutsu. I'm not taking up for him by any means. Just listing what he claims.

No, No, No, CLEARLY you have it all wrong. He trains in niMpo not niNpo.


His Koga ryu must be Nimpo based.


Kempo and Nimpo, not Kenpo and Ninpo. Also.....his organizations are listed as Remmei, not Renmei.

But...he was TOLD BY GOD to create his art. Therefore, he must be right, and everyone else must be wrong.....

Originally posted by Jeff Boler
Kempo and Nimpo, not Kenpo and Ninpo. Also.....his organizations are listed as Remmei, not Renmei.

But...he was TOLD BY GOD to create his art. Therefore, he must be right, and everyone else must be wrong.....


Sorry, my bad, I didn't know GOD had commanded it. I'm going to start my 3 hail mary's now.

Remember that scene in Spies Like Us, where Chevy Chase and Dan Akroyd are pretending to be doctors in the surgical tent. They're all introducing themselves to the other doctors: "Doctor...Doctor...yes Doctor...hello Doctor... Doctor". That must be what a Juko-kai clinic is like: "Soke...Soke... Soke...Hello Soke...Soke...Soke"

(If you haven't seen it, you should)

Originally posted by Dennis_Mahon
And if Sacharnowski is a licensed shidoshi, does that mean he returns to the hombu dojo every year for re-certification?
Somehow I doubt it, unless there's a photo op involved...
What I see happening is Sacharnoski waiting for Willson to get permission to give the godan test (a dark day for the Bujinkan), and then taking his test... :rolleyes:

You're probably right. I doubt that Sacharnoski would ever test in front of a true master. Even when they visited Hontai Yoshin Ryu, he sat out because of an "ankle" injury.....
From the Soke-dai's corner:

"Both our card machine and diploma printer is off-line at this time being repaired. They get a lot of use"

Doooon't we know it ;) How many Soke can you fit in an organization?

As far as Soke's corner...what a sham.
Am I just stupid? Doesnt Soke denote the head of an art?

If so, is it possible for an art to have more than one head?
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