In response to Tulisan/Paul's uber-post, I have a few issues to address:
1) There is a God? This was one of the "propositions" (i.e., assumptions) I had the most problems with, namely because it was presented in such a "matter-of-fact", self-evidential fashion.
There is a God, huh?? Which God?? The God of the Catholics, Protestants, or Muslims?? Is this God the same as Tao, Buddha Nature, Shunyata, and Atman --- or is it the exclusive province of us "enlightened" Westerners?? Is this the "One God" mentioned by Plato, Heraclitus, Xenophanes, Plotinus, and scores of other non-Christian Western philosophers?? Is this the "all-god" (pantheus) cited in the myriad number of Mystery Schools in the ancient Mediterranean world?? Is this the "Great Spirit" referenced in various Native American traditions??
Silly boy, you didn't
honestly think Jews, Christians, and Muslims were the only monotheists on the planet, did'ya??
What is the nature of this God?? Is the God male, female, neuter-gendered, or none of the above?? Does this God exist inside the manifest universe, outside it, or both?? Is this God personal or non-personal?? Is this a God of Reason, as claimed by the Deists, or is this God fundamentally non-rational in orientation?? Does this God have human-like emotions?? If so, which ones?? Does this God interfere in the affairs of humanity?? Is this God immaterial, material, both, or neither?? What is this God's relationship with humanity??
"There is a God", huh?? That's about as vague as saying "there is philosophy" or "there is a truth".
2) Elitism is the belief that one person is better then another. Errrrr.... that is
a definition of elitism. By no means is it the only one. Nor was it the one I've been refering to throughout this thread.
The elitism I've been referring to is the basic nature of ethnocentrism/sociocentrism that beliefs like Mythical Prefigurement are based on: "We're right, you're wrong, and we don't need any stinkin' logic or evidence to prove it, nyah, nyah, nyah!!" That is also elitism.
3) The “truth” to someone’s belief doesn’t make him or her better or worse then another. Errrr..... ok, I don't recall ever saying it did.
I will say, however, that this particular point
is something that is traditionally claimed by most sects of Christianity --- that if you believe "correctly", you will go to "Heaven" and are "saved"; whereas, if you believe "incorrectly", you will go to "Hell" and are "damned". You may not personally believe it, Paul, but your religion does --- unless the Catholic church has renounced the notions of Heaven, Hell, and Christ being the "only way" in the last couple'a years.
4) As a Catholic, I believe in the Catholic interpretation of God’s “story.” Ummm..... ok, mind telling me
which "Catholic interpretation", exactly??
The Church has changed its take on the "ultimate truth" so many times that it can make your head spin --- which wouldn't be a problem if traditional Christian concepts like "only believing in this will get you into Heaven" weren't still around. Despite all these changes, the "Catholic interpretation" is still deeply schizoid --- a "God of Love" sends people to Hell?? And, why is it the "pre-Abraham" stuff is "probably mythical" but the "post-Abraham" isn't --- despite the fact that there is about equal evidence for both??
5) No matter what my beliefs are, I am not an elitist. I never claimed you were an elitist, I said your beliefs (specifically, Mythical Prefigurement) are elitist --- there is a difference. A very rational person, for example, can hold to extremely irrational beliefs and opinions. Happens all the time. The key is to differentiate between the
form (the content of the person's beliefs) and the
substance (why the person believes what they believe) of the position.
Come to think of it, I haven't really been talking that much about you at all --- I was specifically criticizing Mythical Prefigurement, and associated beliefs. Not any one individual.
6) The joy of relativism. This is what we could call epistemological relativism or egalitarianism (not to be confused with pluralism): "All truths are equally valid --- except for the one that claims this is so. It just happens to be the one I subscribe to."
Yup, we've kicked this dead-ender of a dead horse around enough without having to get into this kind of inane hypocrisy again...
7) Prove me wrong!! Sure thing: every single one of your "propositions" are unproven assumptions. A premise isn't logical just because you propose it --- it is logical because you support it with
logic or
evidence. Personally, I'd have a bad taste in my mouth if most, if not all, of my "religious" beliefs were based on unproven assumptions. But, that's just me...
I could make a similar list, with "propositions" like "I am really a little horn beatle trapped in a human body", "The earth is flat", "We live inside a black hole", and similar nonsense --- and, I could go about forumalting "logical proofs" based on such premises, just as you did.
But, here's the rub: a logical proof, when based on illogical premises, is not logical.
8) Arguing over propositions will make us blue in the face. Sorry, Paul, this was just one more unproven assumption on your part --- you should probably add it to your list or propositions and make a "logical" proof for it, too.
Arguing and criticizing people's assumptions is not circular in nature, not if either party doesn't resort to mud-slinging tactics. I can give an example of this from any number of Ninpo boards on the 'net:
Dude 1: "I'm sorry, but Dux/Tengu/Koger ryu doesn't seem to have any evidence for its claims."
Dude 2: "Yeah, well, Hakamatsu doesn't either!! So, there!!"
Dude 1: "Ummm... we werent' talking about Hakamatsu. We were talking about Dux/Tengu/Koger."
Its a rather simple, and desperate, tactic: if someone criticizes your assumptions, then attack theirs. That's right, don't try and defend yours --- attack theirs. Now, tactics like that are circular. But simple debating assumptions in and of itself is not (something I can attest to from personal experience).
9) I have a life, y'know! So do I. This isn't particularly time-consuming --- its like an hour or two every other day. Its something I do in my spare time.