What? You have to joking. Does every disagreement with you come down to that?
Hardly, I think. first time I've tried that 'excuse' and only to get the reaction I know I would and have been proved right.

Besides I said personally I believed you were just miffed because you like to be
right in all senses of the word. Me, I'm a Liberal in all the best senses of the word which has nothing to do with what you think liberals are. Even Churchill was a Liberal as were Gladstone, Asquith and Lloyd George. Liberalism has a long and serious history here as does retaining a sense of humour when talking and dealing with politics.
There must be something about politics in the USA that turns people into frothy mouthed ranters. All sense of humour flees, all sense of proportion trollops out of the window. Someone says something, is corrected, apologises then others jump on the bandwagon lecturing and hectoring. What fun saith I.
Anyone can post here, any other one can reply but what isn't polite is another someone butting in and making unwarrented comments. If Bill says he finds something boring and I say I don't, that's a conversation. It's the main programme of the thread, your posts was like the ads that come on in between.