I don't know anyting about Rubin. If he is, as Bill stated, Jewish on his father's side he's not actually jewish (unless he converted). Judaism traces lineage by the mother's side.
Sorry if I was being confusing. STONE is Jewish on his father's side. His mother was Roman Catholic, and he was raised a Christian.
Perhaps he does find Oliver Stone's anti-Semitism horrible. I have seen no evidence that he does, however. And you haven't supplied any. I'd love to see video of him denouncing Stone for being a bigot and for thinking Hitler needs to be put "in context." Rarely have I heard anything so asinine. But I haven't seen any of that, despite asking you to provide a link.
You're demanding that people be as outraged as you are. They're not. Time to get over that. The world is actually full of Antisemitism. As I posted not long ago in this thread, fully 10% of the US population believes that Jews control the media. It's common and it's boring. It's not news.
Let us grant for the sake of argument that Rubin does find Stone's anti-Semitism to be horrible just like the rest of us do. I still don't understand why he wouldn't treat him the same way he treated Gibson. Is it because Gibson is a drunk with emotional problems and Stone came off as being cool, clam and collected? (That seems to be what you intimated in previous postings. Stone isn't newsworthy because he's not a raving nut.) Personally, I have a much bigger problem with people who come to their bigoted positions after "much thought and consideration" and just want to put things "in context." It's all so educated and civilized, not like those stoopid red necks. Except for one thing; when it's presented as being educated and civilized it can do a lot more damage by influencing others than the good old boy in his pick-up, or the ranting alcoholic like Gibson. Stone gives anti-Semitism the veneer of respectibility. That is why it's newsworthy and, in the long run, more dangerous than Gibson's drunken ravings.
That's your opinion. I agree that antisemitism is much more dangerous, insidious, and horrible than drunken rantings about hummers and arson. However, the public is an ***. The public likes loud noise and shiny things. And the press sells whatever the public is buying. This should not come as a shock to you.
If Rubin isn't replying because of Stone's delivery it's just a vindication of the article from the Huffington Post I posted. The subtlety of the Left's anti-Semitism is what makes it particularly dangerous.
Also in the study I posted, it says that Democrats are much more likely to be antisemitic than Republicans. This is, however, just the most recent reversal of a long-standing trend the other way. So nobody gets the bye on this. No one's hands are clean.
We're a nation of bigots. Our history is one of racial and religious intolerance, with a notable effort to control by laws what we as a people cannot seem to control in our own souls. Adolph Freaking Hitler though VERY HIGHLY of Henry Ford's antisemitism, and a copy of Ford's antisemitic pamphlets was found in his library. He kept a portrait of Ford on his wall, for God's sake.
NAZI HONOR TO FORD STIRS CANTOR'S IRE; Comedian Thinks Auto Man Is 'Damned Fool' for Letting Hitler Give Him Citation WARNS OF ANTI-SEMITISM Pleads for Active Opposition as Jewish Women Honor Him for Aid to Refugees
August 4, 1938, Thursday
Page 13, 654 words
Warning against a spread of antiSemitism in this country, Eddie Cantor, comedian, bitterly denounced Henry Ford for accepting a decoration from the German Government last Saturday. He spoke at a testimonial luncheon in the Hotel Astor yesterday to honor him for his work in behalf of Jewish refugee children.
If you read history, you see that at the time of the ascent of Hitler, most of Europe and the UK and the USA had strong antisemitic movements within them. The USA was the LEADER in the Eugenics movement prior to the rise of the Third Reich. It was only the extreme barbarism of the Nazis that shocked the American public to the extent that it became very unpopular to be pro-Nazi or anti-Jew or pro-Eugenics.
In other words, if we hadn't fought Germany, we might well have become just like them. We thought that there was a "Jewish Problem" too.
So no, nothing Gibson says shocks me, nor anything Stone says. Antisemitism is boring, stupid, asinine, and of course evil. But it's mundane everyday evil. Newsworthy? I could walk down my street knocking on doors and I'd find someone who who believes that the Jews control the world, the media, the banking industry, or whatever. We're a nation of bigots. One more or less isn't news.