Attended a 2 hour sparring seminar on the weekend with a full contact Shorinryu group (who knew??), which their 7th Dan instructor came down from Japan to run. In a word... brutal

. Was one of the most challenging and intense seminars I've done in a long time.
It was AWESOME haha. Been awhile since I'd done something like that, but like I've mentioned I'd like to keep my full contact roots by doing the odd fight night and seminar etc. This one focused mainly on kumite combos with kicks: spinning kicks, leg kicks, crescent kicks, disrupting stability and deceptive movement and technique.
Also worked on the concept of soft blocking which was utterly fascinating. I even got called up to be his uke, he wanted me to hit him, as hard as I could, he let a few in then did this incredible soft wave-like redirection with his body, I legit could not hit him and was trying hard to. Couldn't get anything in!
Did free sparring rounds near the end, and after a few rounds the main instructor singled me out and wanted to spar with me. Honestly the first word that came to mind was....... well it'd be blocked out on the forum haha. But readjusted my mindset and was such a great opportunity. He beat the crap out of me but in a good way haha. At one point swept me, but swept
both legs at the same time and floored me (and he explained to me why that happened). Learned so much (no I really did!).
My bruises are just lovely haha. So all in all am incredibly proud of myself. Always anxiety-provoking going to a new dojo, new environment, group of people etc let alone a sparring seminar where you don't know the lay of the land, but they were the best and incredibly welcoming to me.