Guys.... I did it

. That was incredibly challenging and a really tough 3 hour grading but achieved Shodan Ho/black belt. Months and months and more of preparation but honestly 15 years of preparation and training leading to this moment... so very happy with how it went.
Only can count a very few amount of times I wish I'd done something differently but they were very small things.
The start was the toughest, and we actually got all the physical endurance stuff out of the way right at the start. The calisthenics, pushups, 100 crunches, pushups, plank, 100 squats, followed straight away by the beep test. My legs while tired strangely held up really well; all my training, running, legwork helped heaps. Then straight after beep test was sparring (!). Was only 6 hard rounds, each harder than the last but I was incredibly happy with how I went here. I moved well and felt relaxed and met everything with a sense of confidence and ease. Didn't expect it to be so early but maybe to make sure in case not everyone could stay later.
All else then came after (basic techniques, knowledge, breakfalls, rolls, movement drills, partner drills, sabaki sets, kata etc). Even the formal presentation of the higher katas went great, and I took my time and didn't rush. One of the things I was worried about (bunkai and practical application of kata) went amazing. I remembered everything and was able to explain it clearly and apply it all well.
I know some other style's/club's gradings are tougher than this (eg my old style) but I don't care. It was really tough and feel like I truly earned it. Like my instructor says it's not a survival course, but meant to be about learning and understanding the art and displaying that, and I really like that. Even though your spirit and resilience is truly tested too which is important haha.
Very proud of myself. Prior to it on the day I was super anxious but kept moving, breathing, and just aimed to enjoy the process. And I very much did
Alot of my dojo mates stayed back for invaluable support, guidance, encouragement and spirit in sharing this momentous day. It was immensely helpful.
Today I am sore from head to toe haha, literally everywhere! But still went to a 3.5 hour seminar today (the day after) haha. Day off tomorrow I promise!
This one meant alot