Joong-Gun #moves 1 to 6 application


Black Belt
I read this on another forum and thought it so good it just had to be shared:
There have (and will be), plenty of discussions regarding the real hidden meanings behind Tul techniques. Sometimes this has been clouded by the resequencing of techniques from it’s origins, other times it was due to a lack of understanding and application. But now and again “Gems” of hidden meanings get uncovered and I would like to share this one with you all. This is done in the true spirit of openness.

I think it is important that more and more instructors and students use this knowledge to enrich their training.
Joon Gun Tul contains misdirection and cool sleight-of-hand techniques.
Let us look at the 1st few movements:
Tul Sequence from Moa Cumbi Sogi B.
1. L Foot steps 90 degrees left into R Niunja sogi, Kaunde Sonkaldung makgi.
2. L Najunde Ap Cha Busigi.
3. Move forward into L Dwit Bal sogi with a R Kaunde Ollyo Sonbadak makgi
Original Interpretation:
Attacker has grabbed your L shoulder with their L hand.
You turn to face him and gently hook your upturned palm on top of his forearm.
You quickly kick him in his shins with a L Front Snap kick
Immediately this is followed by stepping closer whilst turning you L palm face down, grabbing his forearm drawing it downwards, whilst your R palm moves upwards underneath his elbow and you dislocate his arm.

REAL interpretation: (Oh Yes!!)
You have eaten a substandard meal and do not intend to pay.
The Waiter has approached you on your left.
You Turn and receive the bill with your upturned L Hand. (thank him).
You kick him in the shins with your L leg.
(You immediately apologise, but have successfully created a moment of misdirection).
Whilst the waiter is rubbing his shins, step up towards him, quickly crumple the bill in your L hand and keep it concealed, whilst switching your R hand palm upwards.
(Now claim that you never received the bill).
The reason why this sequence is again repeated on the Right is to cover for the times where they have a Carbon-Copy of the bill.
Yep! I agreeÂ… it IS blindingly obvious!
Sometimes we get too close to things to really see them as they are.
Wow! It is so OBVIOUS! How could I have not seen that application before?! Not seeing it before now makes me feel like my black belt is worthless.
Okay, in all seriousness: it is always great to get your interpretations of the tuls Mr. Anslow, of couse, I believe you go over this one in your book. Speaking of which, any news on a second volume?
Mr Shogun & Terry,

Volume 2 is going slow Im afraid as life has conspired against me.. after the release of Vol 1, I had a baby (well not me personally), that put a stop on my late night writting. We moved hall and dont have the freedom after classes to take all those photos (we use to stay for 2/3 hours doing photo shoots for months in the old hall) and worst of all, my photo guy has moved away.. getting a cameras not a problem (though he did have a mega expensive one as he was a proper photographer), getting someone whose good with one. prepared to stay on at endless classes and they FTP them all to me for editting is hard a hard guy to replace!

Plus Ive been doing a few other projects like the DVDs (all had to be filmed in class) and the other thing I mentioned on another thread, teaching seminars and runningmy own classes of course... so.. I have my notes (which keep building), I have gaps I wanna research more, but need to find some decent time for layout, photo shoots etc.

So it may be a while.. but it will get there.. eventually!


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