Senior Master
Glad to hear that your OK, and nice job doing the right thing and defending yourself, but not overstepping the lines of SD.
That said, the thing that sucks the worst about this is that he is your neighbor. The worst thing to have is a feud with a neighbor. Reason is, this might not be over. This could go on and on and on. He could attack you again, wait for when you are not home and do something to you family, pets, property. It could be a constant struggle.
I am sorry to say this, and I am not trying to make you paranoid. But this does happen. And now he will have a reason to perpetuate a conflict, because you kicked his *** (never mind the fact that he is the ******* that attacked you first, because these *******s never see that).
I would consider trying to talk to him, or make some sort of amends (even though you weren't wrong, but that doesn't matter). Kind of test the waters to see if you guys can coexist. This isn't necessarily the right answer, just something to consider and think about. Only you can really know the right answer here because you are closer to the situation then anyone on this forum.
Good luck, man.
Believe it or not I thought of this same approach, once he is done with the police. I did press charges. He is not afraid to hit women, that is my biggest concern. I mean if I get hurt then that sucks, if my wife or dog get hurt.....that would be unbearable.
To bad you can't interview your prospective neighbors before putting an offer on the house.