Job Opening for a Qualified WC/WT...

i miss that crazy guy. lol. who else had a Kwan dao?

Oh believe me, he's around on other Wing Chun forums, asking the same bizarre questions. "How do you defeat a wrestler?", remember that one? He's even getting the same answers from fellow Chunners "Train with wrestlers!" :D Bless him....
Oh believe me, he's around on other Wing Chun forums, asking the same bizarre questions. "How do you defeat a wrestler?", remember that one? He's even getting the same answers from fellow Chunners "Train with wrestlers!" :D Bless him....

Why is that a bizarre question? I think that's a good question for those that practice a primarially striking style. Apparently he wants to see what more people think, and the posters there arent' getting as defensive and upsett about the question. Read that thread, not to shabby.
And not all the answers given him were to "train with wrestlers".
It's a bummer he lost his mind and went all crazy on his last posts, but by and large, he brought up some very valid and good questions for the Wing Chun practitioner.

Since folks are searching for someone to take up the job of bringing up good discussion topics, I would think his threads would be a good place to start for ideas on WC, Chi, training, and practicality. And for finding another person that is as knowledgable as he in Wing Chun I think will be a difficult search.
Unfortunately the best martial artist's I've ever met have been either arrogant, crazy, or just plain mean. So, sometimes you don't get a very knowledgable person and a nice policically correct person in the same package.
I've had college professors that would make him seem tame. lol!
I hope you guys can find who your looking for for that position, and I think it's pretty strange that folks are still talking about him if they despise him so much. I guess he did the job of "rilling" up everyone for discussion on the threads. He's covered just about everything I could think of to post and way more. Now it's all pretty much the same topics. Which are good, but just not as fun. But, I'm sure there's got to be someone on here that can piss everyone off enought to get the posting up and interesting again. :)
i liked yoshi other than the gay bashing & the tendency to beat dead horses. hope he can come back someday.

Why is that a bizarre question? I think that's a good question for those that practice a primarially striking style. Apparently he wants to see what more people think, and the posters there arent' getting as defensive and upsett about the question. Read that thread, not to shabby.
And not all the answers given him were to "train with wrestlers".
It's a bummer he lost his mind and went all crazy on his last posts, but by and large, he brought up some very valid and good questions for the Wing Chun practitioner.

Since folks are searching for someone to take up the job of bringing up good discussion topics, I would think his threads would be a good place to start for ideas on WC, Chi, training, and practicality. And for finding another person that is as knowledgable as he in Wing Chun I think will be a difficult search.
Unfortunately the best martial artist's I've ever met have been either arrogant, crazy, or just plain mean. So, sometimes you don't get a very knowledgable person and a nice policically correct person in the same package.
I've had college professors that would make him seem tame. lol!
I hope you guys can find who your looking for for that position, and I think it's pretty strange that folks are still talking about him if they despise him so much. I guess he did the job of "rilling" up everyone for discussion on the threads. He's covered just about everything I could think of to post and way more. Now it's all pretty much the same topics. Which are good, but just not as fun. But, I'm sure there's got to be someone on here that can piss everyone off enought to get the posting up and interesting again. :)

No Si Je, it wasn't that that particular question was odd, or, that he asked invalid questions, but what he DID do that didn't win him any favours was to ask a question and then virtually ignore people to such an extent people began to ask "What would YOU do Yoshi". He wound people up at times, and I could see why many people would see the nature of his posts as arrogant, that is the point, had he not have done, he wouldn't have been banned. But, to reiterate, I actually liked him and had him as a friend on here. Hey-ho.

I'm not sure why he was banned as I've been away a lot recently so missed it all. However, the point is also that the same behavioural traits that he displayed on here seem to be instantly be replicated on other forums. Which will be a shame for him if he gets himself banned again. Maybe he could come back here, I don't know. I've made my reply on this matter, I really, really don't want to get into a Yoshi got banned debate, and neither will anyone else. Oh, and I sure as hell didn't despise him, so I'd hope you're not referring to me there.

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