...though strangely, a number of men who are shorter than I am claim to be 5' 10" or so
This is so true. I'm a short-to-average guy a hair over 5'8" and when asked what my height is, I usually round up to 5'9". I've noticed that most men who are on the short side do "round up" their height, whereas most women who are on the tall side tend to "round down". The result is that a supposedly 5'9" woman is usually at least an inch taller than a man claiming the same height. Fortunately for me, I'm old enough to need orthotic supports in my shoes, but not old enough to start seriously shrinking yet. Those orthotics add a precious half-inch to my height and, at least while wearing them, I actually
am the height I claim to be. My wife, who's only 5'2" and perfectly happy about it, thinks that I'm totally nuts.
Anyway, to get back on topic, I really don't think that there is an ideal build for WC/WT. I've seen people with very different body types develop high levels of skill. I believe that
mentality probably has much more to do with it. In my experience, large and stong individuals often achieve more immediate success in fighting arts where they can indulge in using their force. On the other hand people with less powerful builds may be more inclined to seek out a system like WC/WT and are more likely to stick with it since they can't ever match a large man using brute force.
Nevertheless, a powerful and athetically gifted individual who
does master WC/WT can accomplish even more. We have a saying that first you get rid of your own force, then you get rid of your opponent's force, and finally you learn to 'borrow' your opponent's force. If a strong person can reach that level, then they will be a formidable fighter indeed.
Now to address something
Si-Je mentioned on another thread about the "WT" system in particular favoring larger individuals. This is really
not the case, although you might get that impression if you happen to have an instructor who is large or long limbed. Emin Boztepe, for example, came out of WT and exploits his size, reach and power, often favoring certain head-grabs and throws. On the other hand my first sifu, the head of the WT branch, Leung Ting, seemed to me to be only about 5'7". He used to take great delight in demonstrating on the largest and most powerful students in the room. On the EWTO website, there were clips of him tossing around master-level practitioners who were huge (I mean WWE size huge). By the same token my current instructor is about 5'5" and he does
very well against big guys. The high level WT (which I will probably never master) often favors leg techniques to bring a big guy down to size. These are techniques which a woman might use very effectively.