Okay, Jim...I've got martial arts notes scrawled all along the margins of both my MA books and school lecture notes. Let's make books out of them and clean up! (as if anyone would buy them

Tedster, eh? Does Mr. Wong know about this little nickname, hmmmm?
Actually, that goes a long way to why Little doesn't really get any info from Inosanto. I've actually talked to people who claim that Wong was the intended 'successor' to JKD. I find this hard to believe for several reasons? What? Of course I'll tell you! :soapbox:
1) Wong never received instructor certification from Lee. Period.
2) Some claim Wong was Lee's personal student for the longest time, which is the basis for their claims. Whether this is true or not, he was still never certified to teach. I'm sure he never even assisted Lee with teaching.
3) Wong had no previous MA experience before training with Lee. How can someone with no previous experience truly appreciate the 'liberation' of JKD? Like I've always said, you can't be liberated from the 'classical mess' if you've never been bound by the 'classical mess'. Inosanto, J.Y. Lee, Kimura, and most of the current instructors all have previous training in 'classical' martial arts to contrast against their JKD training. I've always felt this to be essential before taking up JKD.
Hmmm. Okay. Off the soapbox. Please forgive.