Yellow Belt
So originally I'm from Wichita Kansas. When I first started taking martial arts there was two dojos in town. One was American academy of Taekwondo, and kki, or Kansas karate institute. Knowing the late Grandmaster Roger Carpenter, led me I'm kind of a journey. Knowing Jim Harrison and training with him but never knowing his story. In one of the his videos before he passed, he talked about his journey and trying to find different instructors and different styles. He brings up John Keehan, or some of you remember him as Count Dante. Mr Harrison and I forget the words and how he put it, but he said some people thought of him in a different way, but he was a good teacher. Now count Dante was in the back of every comic book ever read as a kid. For a couple bucks you could learn the basic fighting skills of the Black Dragon Society. Nobody is going to argue the point that Jim Harrison was one bad man, nobody to fool with. He didn't just train with Count Dante, in fact train with many many martial artists. It is fascinating to me. That what got me into martial arts as a young man was things that were in the back of comic books. And he becomes part of Jim Harrison's legacy. Trust me it's a small part of the circle but still part of the circle. And how they haven't made a film about count Dante is amazing to me