Jesus was a vampire?

A few things to comment on:

These Vampires ruined good percentile dice rolling ;)

I hate the generic d20 everything :D

I have had some occult encounters.

One guys was following around an employee of mind and I told her he just thinks your cute. She replied that, he is casting spells. So I watched and caught him making hand jestures at her. I asked what he was doing? He said casting a spell. I replied he has attacked me as she is my employee and under my protection. I challenge you to a contest during the wizards moon three days after the new moon. for the absence of the moon itself is power. Well this guy ust looked at me and ran away. Problem solved. :D ;)

Another one, I went to a local bar and the second floor was being rented out for a private party, well as I bounced and knew the owners I wondered up just to check things out. It was a "Vampire" (* registered Trade Mark ;) *) party. Someone asked me what I was doing there? I replied just watching at the moment. He then smiled and said he would bite me and suck my blood. I then told him, to stop talking to me my chest and held my hand above my head and said look me in the eyes. He was not sure what was up. I replied, you never seen a 7 foot tall blue troll before? I hunt vampires. I told you I was just watching, to see who is my next target. He walked quickly away and then I was approached by a small group of people who asked me to leave as this was a private party. I smiled and walked back down stairs, shaking my head.

Reality My Drug of Choice :D
yeah i suppose he is being pretty calm. I wondr if he is just trying to provoke phil?
I can be bought, Paul, but nobody needs to see that. ;)

I don't see what's "reasonable" about clinging to your delusion that you're a vampire. I give him credit for not getting upset, though.
I got this e-mail today...

I never pretend to be anything I'm not, that would outrightly be silly.

If you believe that the only people that claim to be vampires are
RPers, mentally unsound, and poseurs, than you ultimately are keeping your
eyes shut to reality. Though, a lot of people do pose and pretend to be
vampires who have no traits of characteristics one has. They just think
the idea of drinking blood and looking spooky is cool.

Too many different meanings towards the word "Vampire" have been made,
and it's impossible to just believe that they are the folklore kind who
prey on others, because we do not prey.

No I have not been abducted by aliens or travel on rainbows, no human
can do that kind of thing.

I don't live in the fantasy world, although if I wanted to really live
in the fantasy world of being a Vampire, I would go outside today, buy
myself some fake fangs, a cape, and a coffin and go around trying to
scare people and suck their blood. That would be involving myself in the

I haven't exactly been terrorized by other Satanists, but because
others have determined who I am, and certain vibes I give off, I have been
involved in witch-hunts where I've worked and been terminated, lose many
friends, and have difficulty with relationships. This is without
telling them of my secret.

I definitly will not argue the fact that I am mentally unsound, but at
the same time I don't go around broadcasting that or the fact of being
a Vampire. Interestingly enough, I bet if I never brought up this fact
of what I am, if we spoke you probably would not see any reason fit to
classify me as mentally unsound.

Personally, I don't care whether you believe I'm a vampire or not. But,
I am trying to defend our nature and community, because websites that
promote, or people who believe we are dangers to society, should have
their eyes opened to what we are really about, and that folklore fantasy
has been made in order to exploit us. And it did so very well, to the
point where nobody will believe any type of vampire is real at all.

Just like Santa Claus. Though, interestingly enough, the church and
society loves to raise children up to believe this silly character that
comes through the chimney to drop off presents. His existence, being said
to be some mortal by the name of St. Nicholas who did nice things for
some people.

I did tell you previously that I am a grown adult, but if you wish to
believe that I'm a kid, that's fine.

My only suggestion is that, in order to have a valid argument, it is
best to do research on a topic to clarify myth vs. truth before claiming
knowledge of the truth.

...and promptly wrote back this:

Pretending to be a vampire is pretending to be something you're not, and it's outright silly. Nothing you've told me is reality -- it's the fantasy of a mentally adolescent idiot who would rather spend his life playing a game of "let's pretend" than deal with life's everyday concerns. You do live in a fantasy world -- one out of which nothing I can say will shake you. This is fairly common among people who delude themselves; I've talked with others like you before.

Here's a bulletin for you: you haven't had problems at work, problems in your relationships, and problems in your day to day life because of some terrible intolerance or some pervasive injustice on the part of others. You're having problems because you live the life of a deluded freak -- and most rational people are notoriously intolerant when it comes to dealing with those who deliberately evade reality and pretend to be that which they are not. You're going to keep on having problems until you give up this ridiculous notion of vampirism. Even if you don't "tell people your secret," I've not doubt that you *do* give off a "vibe" -- the vibe of somebody who's a few clowns short of a circus. People have a pretty good sense when it comes to who among them is a freaking nutjob -- and from what you've written to me, I'd say you qualify.

Here's another tip -- you chose to write to me *broadcasting the 'fact' that you are a vampire.* And no, if you didn't write to me and say, "Hi, I'm a vampire," I'd have no reason to think you were a few heat-resistant tiles short of a safe reentry into our atmosphere -- but then, we wouldn't be having this conversation at all, would we?

If you don't care whether I believe you, stop writing to me. You're not a vampire, you never were, and you're going to live a long, sad, lonely life forever feeling persecuted and misunderstood if you don't stop deluding yourself.

Here's another tip -- if you have to keep reminding me you're an adult, it's time to reevaluate how you run your life. Go do that.

You're not a vampire.
"a few heat-resistant tiles short of a safe reentry" was my personal favorite. So, in this guy's mind, what makes a "vampire?" As far as I can tell, he needs to consume "fluids?" to gain "life force?" What does this "life force" offer that a good cardio or resistance program doesn't? If he can't transmogrify himself into a gas or bat, throw people through walls or fly, man, then his definition of vampire sounds quite similar to my definition of "crack whore." And he wonders why relationships fall apart around him. I'll bet he gives off a vibe like a sonar ping through a jello ocean. Probably the type that wears ski gloves in July and steals nips from a battered thermos he keeps stashed under an overcoat when he's sure people are looking. Hope he gets some help.

This should be it's own website. I found myself rushing to find this thread today when I first logged into MT to see if there were any updates. I love it. This is the funniest thing I've heard in awhile.

Have you ever ran into this sort of thing on the job? I sure have. I actually have a pretty good story if anyone wants to hear it.
shane23ss said:
Have you ever ran into this sort of thing on the job? I sure have. I actually have a pretty good story if anyone wants to hear it.
Actually no. Most of these "Goth" types I have met are really fairly "normal" once you get past the get-up. I have dealt with some of the diagnosed "mental" types, the ones on heavy meds that sit in rooms with the music turned up to drown out the voices, and the ones who think secret agents from the government injected them with "mind control" drugs....this guy seems like one of those "fringe" types who, unless he does something to draw police attention, just cruises below the radar.
Tgace said:
Actually no. Most of these "Goth" types I have met are really fairly "normal" once you get past the get-up. I have dealt with some of the diagnosed "mental" types, the ones on heavy meds that sit in rooms with the music turned up to drown out the voices, and the ones who think secret agents from the government injected them with "mind control" drugs....this guy seems like one of those "fringe" types who, unless he does something to draw police attention, just cruises below the radar.
Oh man, lets not get started on "the government is watching me" thing. I could tell you some real crazy stories about that. I worked on an Anti-Terrorism/Extremest Group task force for a little over three years, and pretty much saw and heard it all during that time. Watch out for those black helicopters man!
shane23ss said:
Oh man, lets not get started on "the government is watching me" thing. I could tell you some real crazy stories about that. I worked on an Anti-Terrorism/Extremest Group task force for a little over three years, and pretty much saw and heard it all during that time. Watch out for those black helicopters man!

So let me get this straight, you worked for a government task force that investigated groups that were paranoid that government agencies were watching them. So, did you have any black helicopters at your disposal?:lol:

If I won the lottery, maybe I'd buy a fleet of those suckers and patrol at random. Just for fun.
the dilusioned one or the one that lets the person beleive its the truth. I quoted that from somewhere but can't remember where i heard it.

Ben Kenobi: Leave that to me
Han Solo: Damn fool, I knew you were going to say that
Kenobi: Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?


Anyway. what strikes me a bit interesting in this is that in "Dracula", Renfield believed that by eating another, you got that other's 'life force' so he would capture flies to feed to spiders and then feed the spiders to...something else...rats or get a cumulative effect when he would then eat the larger animal. The discussion of drinking fluids from other living things sorta reminded me of that
psi_radar said:
So let me get this straight, you worked for a government task force that investigated groups that were paranoid that government agencies were watching them. So, did you have any black helicopters at your disposal?:lol:

If I won the lottery, maybe I'd buy a fleet of those suckers and patrol at random. Just for fun.
Actually logged quite a few hours in the belly of one of these....
psi_radar said:
So let me get this straight, you worked for a government task force that investigated groups that were paranoid that government agencies were watching them. So, did you have any black helicopters at your disposal?:lol:

If I won the lottery, maybe I'd buy a fleet of those suckers and patrol at random. Just for fun.
You are correct sir. Kind of ironic isn't it? Actually we did have helicopters at our disposal. They were dark green, not black. Hard to tell the difference in the dark. Just so everyone will know, the space shuttle does not go into outer space and collect intel on you or your family. It does not then land at Ft. Campbell, KY and download that info to the black helicopters. Or does it??????????????
shane23ss said:
You are correct sir. Kind of ironic isn't it? Actually we did have helicopters at our disposal. They were dark green, not black. Hard to tell the difference in the dark. Just so everyone will know, the space shuttle does not go into outer space and collect intel on you or your family. It does not then land at Ft. Campbell, KY and download that info to the black helicopters. Or does it??????????????

Stop it, you're bugging me out, man!

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