Jesus was a vampire?

And why did you feel the need to post this here?

Because it's funny.

More to the point, why did everyone else feel the need to ridicule?

Because they have senses of humor.

So this person thinks they're a vampire. So?

So he's engaging in a physically dangerous self-delusion and he needs someone to tell him the truth. Normally I don't go out of my way to enlighten the neighborhood vampires, werewolves, jawa, or Jehovah's Witnesses, but he wrote to me, so I responded.

If nothing else, you give them a pat on the head and send them on their way.

If you saw someone about to commit suicide, would you ask him what brand of ammo he was using and then send him merrily on his way? If you saw someone standing on a table in a restaurant telling the diners he was Jesus or Napoleon, would you smile and go about your business or would you summon the appropriate mental health authorities? If a high school kid came to you and said, "I have a problem. I think I might be a zombie," would you treat the conversation in the same way as if he told you, "I have a problem. I think I might be gay" ...?

Patting on the head those among us who labor under mentally deranged fantasies does them no favors and makes us complicit in their self-destructive behavior. Unless you missed it, this isn't a case of him "not hurting anybody." Going about drinking others' blood is an extremely dangerous lifestyle and I'm not about to simply pat him on the head and tell him he's a beautiful and unique snowflake. I have more regard for my fellow human beings than that.

If they persist, ignore them. Most of the people on this board preach tolerance and a sort of empathy toward their fellow man, and all this thread does is shatter that fraglie illusion.

Speak for yourself. I'm not party to any pretensions of tolerance for the self-deluded. I am decidedly intolerant when it comes to stupidity, particularly willing stupidity.

I don't care if he paints himself blue from head to toe and thinks he's a smurf, that's no reason for this behavior.

If he thought he was a smurf I'd have had a whole different batch of retorts prepared. It would be just as disturbing a mental illness.

Curse you and everyone who posted on this thread for making me sound like a dang moderator.

You don't sound like a moderator. You sound like a busybody with a misplaced sense of compassion and no sense of humor.

Sorry, that was intolerant of me.
Technopunk has never seemed to me incapable of distinguishing reality from fantasy, however. Despite some of the more disturbing avatars he's used in the past. ;)
OUMoose said:
So this person thinks they're a vampire. So? If nothing else, you give them a pat on the head and send them on their way. If they persist, ignore them. Most of the people on this board preach tolerance and a sort of empathy toward their fellow man, and all this thread does is shatter that fraglie illusion. I don't care if he paints himself blue from head to toe and thinks he's a smurf, that's no reason for this behavior.
I have begun a thread in the Study here to discuss this, I hope that anyone interested pops in to contribute.
Sharp Phil said:
Technopunk has never seemed to me incapable of distinguishing reality from fantasy, however. Despite some of the more disturbing avatars he's used in the past. ;)
What Can I say, I AM fairly Evil.
I believe that it is on the, "Sanguanarius," site that one is advised in ways of, "coming out," as a vampire--my personal favorite was the advice on how to convince your high school teachers that wearing sunglasses in class was OK.

People who believe this stuff are, of course, useful as what Jean Baudrillard called, "deterrence machines--" reassurances that all the weird things we normal people do are, well, perfectly normal.

That said, I don't see why it's particularly helpful to say, "Oh my, well how very interesting. Certainly, vampirism is a valid lifestyle choice....," especially since it is a valid lifestyle choice among consenting adults, provided that they don't actually believe that they are Creatures of the Night.
I received this e-mail in reply:

The fact that you express such frustration and defense towards this
argument, suggests your own mentality of believing you know the truth, and
will refuse to listen to any other source, except yourself. By your
wording, you clearly illustrate that you do not believe in anything beyond
vital existence, which is what satanists follow, as they despise and
terrorize real Vampires.

As I have told you clearly enough, I am not a blood-consuming vampire
myself, yet you still seem to think so. You also seem to not understand
the idea that a Vampire is by soul and by biological blood / psychology
nature. As I have outlined, we are fully mortal humans like everyone
else. Not all Vampires are Goths, and not all Goths are Vampires. We do
the same thing other mundanes must. We have a SSN, we pay taxes, go to
work, raise kids, and everything else one must do in order to make a
living. You seem to have a fetish for stereotyping what you think Vampires
are, which are called "lifestylers".

In many ways I am mentally unsound, but then again, who isn't? Every
living being that lives on this planet is psychotic, and we are all
animals. Us Humans, being the most vicious of all animals. You seem to be
irritated in that you may be wrong or mistaken by what I've told you,
thus you have the desire to describe that I'm trying to come off as
sounding special, etc. Which I do not. Everyone is special in their
individual ways. Spiritually, we are different beings in some respects.
Physically, we are all human just like you are. The romantic aspect of
Vampirism is shared but some, but not all of the community. Although you seem
to hold something against those who embrace it. My objective of sorts is
not to impress you. Impression is a form of victory or of trying to
appear as superior.

It appears you do not have a clear distinguishment between mind, body
and spirit. When a vampire lacks his or her life force, if they require
blood, it is for feeling connection, euphoria, and vitality. There are
people who are not vampires who have certain blood conditions which may
cause them to become ill, as you mentioned one being such as anemia.
Vampire cravings are not on that same line of weakness.
And as I am stating, they are not restricted to just blood.

Also, I do not watch or obsess over movies of any sort. I can't change
who or what I am, but you seem to believe I'm influenced or somehow
fascinated by the idea of vampirism, when the truth is I'm not.

When have I denied the fact that I am a human being?

I speak to, and have much respect for many of NeoPagans.
And I do not delude anyone. Every individual, if any, deludes his or
herself, if they are to be deluded at all. Personally, I chose to seek

The world I live in is that of complete reality. Being a Vampire is not
necessarily something to be proud about. And as I said, most of us, or
at least I myself do not go around to the whole world bragging about
who we are. But if topics arise, I do like to clarify truth for myth
about them.

Did you take a look at the websites I sent in the prior E-mail?

All I can say is, while I do have the initiative to try to inform you
of the truth about Vampires, I do not have the initiative to try to put
other individuals down or try to put myself on top of other people, or
try to tell them what they are or what they are not such as your
wording suggests.

If anything, that is a clear difference between you and me.

I wrote back this:

I am not expressing frustration at anything, save perhaps your dogged insistence on pretending to be something you are not. Any mild sense of frustration I then feel in that regard is purely the result of not wishing mental illness on any of my fellow human beings.

You're right -- I do know the truth. I know there are no real vampires and I know that the only people claiming to be vampires are poseurs, roleplayers, and the mentally unsound. What "sources" do you offer to the contrary except your own anonymous insistence from the bowels of AOL -- surely the ISP chosen by more of the undead in Internet surveys, I would imagine.

I clearly do not believe in vampires -- just as I do not believe you are a cyborg, I do not believe you were abducted and probed by aliens, and I do not believe you travel on rainbows and defend jealously your hidden pot of gold. Surely my refusal to believe these things is a manifestation of my terribly closed mind -- for otherwise you might actually have to admit that you live in a world of fantasy.

From your wording I gather that you've been despised and terrorized by Satanists. This leaves me no one for whom to cheer -- the bastard offspring of Ayn Rand and Anton LaVey or a bunch of depressed children in long overcoats and clown makeup. I suppose I'll flip a coin.

You seem to labor under the equally mistaken assumption that I care what *kind* of vampire you consider yourself. I don't. As I said quite clearly in my previous mails, you're not a vampire of any kind no matter how much you wish to be. I'm very glad you have a social security number and pay your taxes. I can only exhort you to carry these manifestations of the mundane through to their logical conclusions and fill in your actual application on your 1040, rather than some clever varation on graves, corpses, vampires, the undead, stakes, or whatever else a "vampire" puts on his paperwork.

I do indeed stereotype as a deluded loser anyone who would wander through life referring to himself as a vampire, insisting that he is not to be categorized with all the other whitefaced freaks wearing artificial fangs and pretending that the sunlight hurts their eyes (which is a great excuse for wearing expensive sunglasses all the time). Everyone knows it's easier to look cool in sunglasses.

In many ways you are mentally unsound -- you've just admitted it. I'll tell you who isn't, though -- anyone who understands that there are no vampires and isn't pretending to be one has at least one toehold greater in reality than do you.

The only thing that irritates me about this exchange is that there is no way to reason with someone who is deranged. Sooner or later, you're going to have to stop making excuses for the fact that most people in life won't cater to your delusions and won't be tolerant of your pretensions. I "hold something against" all those who would willingly evade reality. I consider such behavior self-destructive and childish. Just as I would reach into a pool to save a drowning man, I am telling you what you need to hear even though you don't wish to hear it.

The only person here lacking a clear "distinguishment" between mind, body, and spirit is you. Unlike you, I don't walk through life pretending to be something I am not.

Listen very closely, kid:

You are not a vampire.

You do not live in reality as long as you insist that you are.

I am not interested in websites that cater to your mental illness.

I am not interested in what kind of vampire you believe yourself to be.

I am not interested in catering to your delusions.

The clear difference between you and me is that I understand all that and you do not.

Someday, you'll give up this bizarre little put-on in which you're now cloaked. You'll remember that I told you all this. Hopefully it will help. Until then, go back to your coffin, your painfully turgid prose, and your tragic vision of what a sensitive person you believe yourself to be.

You are not a vampire.
For example, drinking the fluid of another person may directly connect a vampire to their donor's emotions and soul, along with giving a strong feeling of physical, mental, and spiritual euphoria.

A personal ad I plan on taking out after reading all this....

Disease free, non-smoking MWM seeks FVamp for night of fluid sharing. Not seeking long term commitment, just want to share my emotions, soul, and fluid with you. Into physical, mental, spiritual euphoria, hot-tubs, full moon-light walks on the beach, C&W music and NASCAR. Let's be children of the night together!

If you guys tell my wife I'm placing this ad, she'll likely put a stake through my heart, cut off my head, and stuff my mouth with garlic. Then the guilt trips will start....


Can you say Don Quixotic? And whats really messed up is that people let these people beleive it. Kind of like Don Quixotic's butler. In my opinion i don't know who is crazier. the dilusioned one or the one that lets the person beleive its the truth. I quoted that from somewhere but can't remember where i heard it. I just know that they have problems, serious problems and need to get fixed.
Has anybody checked out this links he sent Phil? I'm afraid to do it. I fear some evil will infest my computer. :erg:
Flatlander said:
That is some crazy ****. See, this is why I don't like big cities. I'm a small town guy, and intend to stay that way.
I met a group of alleged vampires back in high school. Not a big city either; my high school was very much in a small town. That's part of the reason, I think, that they began these dellusions in the first place, pure friggin boredom. Pool halls, a half-a-mall, drugs and a gamer shop are about the only things available for anyone under the age of 20 to do. Besides each-other.

The point where it became established that it was nothing more than a group-wide fantasy was when the leader of the group (the Prince, apparently) began describing what they can and cant do, what powers they do and dont have, and who and what their friends and enemies were and were not. A friend of mine whom I described them to said it sounded like a rehashed version of The Kindred, any gamers on here know what that is? There was also the fact that every time I asked about some manner that they could prove it to me (show me fangs, super powers, etc.), there was a new code or doctrine that such displays would violate. Hmmm, of course.....

As far as I know, there wasn't any actual blood-drinking involved, although there was plenty of beer drinking. Apparently alcohol was able to substitute human blood in quenching "the thirst", if drank in sufficient quantities. :rolleyes: Anyway, that's about all the insight I can provide.
RandomPhantom700 said:
Apparently alcohol was able to substitute human blood in quenching "the thirst", if drank in sufficient quantities.
Well heck, I guess that makes me a vampire!
Moderator Note:

Just a friendly reminder to keep the discussion polite and respectful.

~MT Moderator
hardheadjarhead said:
For example, drinking the fluid of another person may directly connect a vampire to their donor's emotions and soul, along with giving a strong feeling of physical, mental, and spiritual euphoria.

A personal ad I plan on taking out after reading all this....

Disease free, non-smoking MWM seeks FVamp for night of fluid sharing. Not seeking long term commitment, just want to share my emotions, soul, and fluid with you. Into physical, mental, spiritual euphoria, hot-tubs, full moon-light walks on the beach, C&W music and NASCAR. Let's be children of the night together!

If you guys tell my wife I'm placing this ad, she'll likely put a stake through my heart, cut off my head, and stuff my mouth with garlic. Then the guilt trips will start....


You are so lucky that I am not given to blackmail / extortion cause I could hold this one over you for a lot!

Oh my gosh! This is freaking hilarious!!!!!! I was in a bad mood all day until I read this. If I run through the night in a leopard print thong, does that make me mysterious and exotic?

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