Phil Elmore
Master of Arts
And why did you feel the need to post this here?
Because it's funny.
More to the point, why did everyone else feel the need to ridicule?
Because they have senses of humor.
So this person thinks they're a vampire. So?
So he's engaging in a physically dangerous self-delusion and he needs someone to tell him the truth. Normally I don't go out of my way to enlighten the neighborhood vampires, werewolves, jawa, or Jehovah's Witnesses, but he wrote to me, so I responded.
If nothing else, you give them a pat on the head and send them on their way.
If you saw someone about to commit suicide, would you ask him what brand of ammo he was using and then send him merrily on his way? If you saw someone standing on a table in a restaurant telling the diners he was Jesus or Napoleon, would you smile and go about your business or would you summon the appropriate mental health authorities? If a high school kid came to you and said, "I have a problem. I think I might be a zombie," would you treat the conversation in the same way as if he told you, "I have a problem. I think I might be gay" ...?
Patting on the head those among us who labor under mentally deranged fantasies does them no favors and makes us complicit in their self-destructive behavior. Unless you missed it, this isn't a case of him "not hurting anybody." Going about drinking others' blood is an extremely dangerous lifestyle and I'm not about to simply pat him on the head and tell him he's a beautiful and unique snowflake. I have more regard for my fellow human beings than that.
If they persist, ignore them. Most of the people on this board preach tolerance and a sort of empathy toward their fellow man, and all this thread does is shatter that fraglie illusion.
Speak for yourself. I'm not party to any pretensions of tolerance for the self-deluded. I am decidedly intolerant when it comes to stupidity, particularly willing stupidity.
I don't care if he paints himself blue from head to toe and thinks he's a smurf, that's no reason for this behavior.
If he thought he was a smurf I'd have had a whole different batch of retorts prepared. It would be just as disturbing a mental illness.
Curse you and everyone who posted on this thread for making me sound like a dang moderator.
You don't sound like a moderator. You sound like a busybody with a misplaced sense of compassion and no sense of humor.
Sorry, that was intolerant of me.