One thing Mr. Speakman did that I thought very highly of was the first few AKKS camps. I don't know if he meant it to be this way, but you could go from room to room and judge the instructors and what they were teaching. It was kind of a Kenpo marketplace.
Although some of the instructors they left me lukewarm, there were other people that thought they were the greatest thing since sliced bread. And a few (as far as I am still concerned) were outright duds. But at the least you got to get a sense of what some seniors were doing with Mr. Parker during their time with him and/or since his death. And there was something for just about everyone. It was eye opening for me.
But I am proud and unashamed to say the Doc blew the doors off and out. I remember everyone on the first day of that first camp going "who is this Chapel guy?" After his first seminar everyone KNEW who the Chap'el guy was. Plus, the sound of the hotel changed--what with all the slapchecking going on.