Actually I didn't say it was the most expensive, read what I wrote again. I said it was 'one of the most if not the most expensive schools in the world.'
Yeah-you also didn't say "one of the most exclusive, if not the most exclusive," or "one of the best, if not the best."
You didn't say "most exclusive," or "best," you said "most expensive," which it is not. In fact, tuition and fees for such schools all around the world are about that much, regardless of how good or exclusive they actually are or aren't, and Eton isn't even the most expensive HMC school in the UK-it ranks about 11th.
. Likewise the product-in as much as in the short 123 years it's been in operation, Hotchkiss numbers among its alumni several prominent politicians, authors, and CEOs, it also has graduated some downright scumbags (my f hallway proctor from my freshman year is a CEO, and was a downright scumbag). Likewise Eton, I suppose-perhaps that should be their motto?Turning out downright scumbags for 600 years.

In any case, Tez, this is mostly off-topic: presumably, their were no "martial arts" at Eton during Fleming's or Bond's (original) time, save wrestling fencing, and perhaps boxing. As for this entire school flapdoodle, I'm more than willing to yield the field in this matter, and concede that you possess the larger pants? in this matter.....