Well, Big Don ... I am so glad that Marine Manual in Guantanamo Bay tells our soldiers there when and where to eat.
Again, you are confusing fiction with fact, that doesn't make you look very smart...
~Whew~ I thought they were getting mighty hungry, keeping those human beings away from the Red Cross, and away from any legal system.
Would you rather we treated them as un-uniformed combatants under the Geneva Conventions? Because combatants not in uniform are, under the Geneva Conventions, considered spies or saboteurs and may be LEGALLY summarily executed. Which would save us a lot of money and free up troops for other duties.
You still haven't addressed the first question I asked.
Why did President Bush invade and occupy the nation-state of Iraq?
To remove a brutal tyrant from power. Saddam's regime not only used Weapons of Mass Destruction against Iraqis (Kurds are still Iraqis...) but, also waged a campaign of terror including rape rooms. He [Hussein] you might also remember, defied 17 separate UN resolutions demanding he A} Disband his WMD programs B} Allow UN inspectors free access to see that the WMD's were in fact gone, or rendered harmless. We KNOW he had had weapons of mass destruction, because he used them, during the Iran/Iraq war and also on his own Kurdish population. Whether he still had them or not, his responsibility to the Cease Fire Agreement that ended the 91 Gulf War (That Hussein started by invading Kuwait...) and to the UN was to PROVE the weapons no longer existed and were disposed of properly (Not hidden in the desserts or shipped to foreign lands or sold or given to terrorist groups he was a vocal proponent of. He did not.
Why does President Bush make his foreign policy decisions because of the language of Osama bin Laden?
Because when people want to, and have shown an ability to kill you, you try to kill them first, or render them unable to harm you, this is called self-defense, you may have heard of it.
Who are we defending ourselves from in Iraq?
Terrorists. Because if they are busy actively fighting THERE they aren't blowing up HERE.
What was the danger posed to us by Iraq?
A threat to our allies is also a threat we must face, that is known as friendship. If your friend was constantly threatened by a bully with a history of mass murder, wouldn't you do something to help him? You may have heard the quote:"All that is needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing." Well, thanks to President Bush, and our military and allies, Saddam Hussein is no longer prosperous. You may have also heard the quote: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." The injustices of Hussein's regime are also ended, aren't they?