Church in Salem, Mass. dumped for outreach to witches

This is somewhat off topic, but, to me fits.
I've numerous friends who claim to be Christians.
I'm not. But I have read several Christian bibles (I own 2) cover to cover over the years.
I've found few of those claiming to be Christians to actually follow the guidelines and advice in that book.
Sadly, much of my experience with them was recently echoed in the comments of a web-comic (here (Read the whole story arc to get the full flavor, it's only 8 strips))

The message in the Christian texts is repeatedly one of understanding, compassion, and love. It's not about forced conversions, hatred, violence and the like, though the book is filled with death and violent imagery at times.

Some people, forget or, more often I think, choose to ignore those facts, as an 'excuse' to indulge themselves on others.
eh... :shrug:
As for the topic... Witch hunts, crusades, dark ages... I thought all that stuff was over when people actually gained some common sense. :idunno:
Common sense? The populus at large gained common sense??? :lookie: Where? :idunno:
This is curious. So far the only christian group I've encountered that follows torah at all are the Faith assemblies spun off from Dr. Hobart Freeman. Most supposed christian religions seem to have their own witches and worlocks. It's only the phoneys and ones they can't reel in and control that get persecuted. The roman catholic faith I was born into is a good example. They incorporated La Vecchia Religione into their religion over one thousand years ago and still use eugenics and inbreeding to produce knights and worlocks for the church. This can be proved by the names they choose to babtize certain children with. In the old religion marrying your own cousin every other generation produces a male child born on the twenty third of the month they are born on . This child will be of above average intelligence will poor social skills and a horrible temper. The church recognizes this child by giving him a babtizmal name totaling twenty three letters. This can't be anything other than witchcraft.
This is curious. So far the only christian group I've encountered that follows torah at all are the Faith assemblies spun off from Dr. Hobart Freeman. Most supposed christian religions seem to have their own witches and worlocks. It's only the phoneys and ones they can't reel in and control that get persecuted. The roman catholic faith I was born into is a good example. They incorporated La Vecchia Religione into their religion over one thousand years ago and still use eugenics and inbreeding to produce knights and worlocks for the church. This can be proved by the names they choose to babtize certain children with. In the old religion marrying your own cousin every other generation produces a male child born on the twenty third of the month they are born on . This child will be of above average intelligence will poor social skills and a horrible temper. The church recognizes this child by giving him a babtizmal name totaling twenty three letters. This can't be anything other than witchcraft.

source for all of this please?
I'm my generations left handed twentythirdian, Anthony Joseph Maccherone. My father was born Eugene Pasquale Maccarone, left handed twentythirdian. My grandfather was born Francis Saverio Maccarone, left handed twentythirdian. This could go back as far as 1160 when one of my grandfathers was the archbishop of Monreale in Sicily. His last name was Caro. You can see how they morphed the Sephardic name Caro to Maccarone and now Maccherone to disguise the origin. After the passing of my paternal Grandmother I recieved a copy of the family tree from her postumously. In the tree you can plainly see a female named Rosa is married back into the Maccarones every other generation. Maria Rosa was my Grandmother. Her first two siblings died in childbirth. They were named Rosa. I'm currently unaware of any cousins named Rosa or Rose. It's probably a middle name for one of them. I'm not reproducing. I would'nt wish Aspergers' syndrome on anyone. No wonder the allies bombed Dr. Aspergers hospital outside of Vienna back to the stone age. There is no other explaination for this. There was nothing nearby of any strategic value. I believe the Dr. wasn't identifying the condition, he was creating it. Probably part of Project Liebersborn. Hope he rots in Hades.
I have read through the posts and the one thing that I keep thinking is we are talking Salem Ma. Here. Are we absolutely sure the Witches didn't 86 the church. :)

I have been to Salem several times, use to live near there actually, and if it were not for the Witches they would not have the boost to the economy they get every Oct 31. And if you consider (as previously mentioned) the true historical association between Withes and Salem it seems to me to be a bit ridicules for the Church to be upset about it in the 21st Century, unless of course they are planning on denying the past.
Well I am a heathen myself. I always find it sad that when you finally have a group showing toleration and friendship they get jumped on by their own. It explains the sad state of the world. Luckily we don't have many fundies up here, so this type of thing doesn't come up often. It is far more common to have interfaith groups than 'witch hunts'.
Religion and common sense are often mutually exclusive.

True! :D But at some point inquisitions, witch hunts, and crusades fell out of fashion, maybe I was mistaken that it was actually common sense, maybe it is like fads, only in this case it comes around every 500 years or so... :)
True! :D But at some point inquisitions, witch hunts, and crusades fell out of fashion, maybe I was mistaken that it was actually common sense, maybe it is like fads, only in this case it comes around every 500 years or so... :)

I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition.

NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise....
Our two weapons are fear and surprise... and ruthless efficiency....
Our three weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...
and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope....
Our four... no...
Amongst our weapons... Amongst our weaponry...
are such elements as fear, surprise...
I'll come in again.
I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition.

NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise....
Our two weapons are fear and surprise... and ruthless efficiency....
Our three weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...
and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope....
Our four... no...
Amongst our weapons... Amongst our weaponry...
are such elements as fear, surprise...
I'll come in again.

I was baffled at first then realized they must be lines to something... Monty Python "The Spanish Inquisition". Google is great!
'The meeting was brutal,' Wyman said. 'It was a little bit like an Inquisition. ... It kind of escalated to, `How can you be friends with witches?`
Wyman, who was accompanied by three others from the Salem church, said, 'The four of us kind of looked at each other and (thought), `We live in Salem. How could you not?`'

Source: UPI, as quoted on
Monsters and Critics .com

Last year, local ministers began saying that Mr. Wyman was getting too close to the witches. They pointed to his friendships, his Web site's links to pagan sites, and a photograph that seemed to show him kissing a witch's hand. Mr. Wyman's denomination accused him of aberrance, revoked his ordination and expelled him. One letter to him said he had strayed from Christian teachings and was disobedient.


"I can imagine the Salem witch trials were not much different from this: It starts with a rumor and escalates to a trial," says Mr. Wyman.

Source: The Wall Street Journal, as quoted in the
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

314 years later, are we still afraid of witches and witchcraft?

This does not surprise me.

I was told I could no longer be a member of a church becuase I knew too much about Science and them Atoms and such.

Closed mindedness is one of the issues of religions in history and all over that I find to be common and also usually the mistake that leads for them to be either kicked out of a country or to be over-run by their neighbors.

But that is just how I read it.
I was baffled at first then realized they must be lines to something... Monty Python "The Spanish Inquisition". Google is great!

That's ok I knew it was Monty python and I am still baffled.

You made the mistake of mentioning the Inquisition and my somewhat demented brain kicked into the Monty Python Sketch.

Sorry, I will attempt to be less silly.