Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
So the question is, what factors would have led to to that sense of decline and being at the end of the line?.. I kind of think of the tenor of the times for Rome in the fourth and fifth century as being something like what comes across in Bob Dylan's song `Knockin' on Heaven's Door'. And what I wrote about earlier, the massive misguided channeling of $$$ into the gladitorial `exhibitions', again strikes me as one sign a society that desperately want to be distracted from its own rotten state of being---one factor that probably accelerated the downward spiral, but wasn't the ultimate cause, more a reflection of whatever else was really sucking the lifeblood out of Roman society. The cause(s) of that sense of things falling apart are still elusive...
Nope it was just one guy named Claudius Klutzius at mediocre sandal maker from South Rome, he is responsible for the whole thing going to Hell in a hand basket

You pose a good question and I doubt that we will ever be able to say without question it was these particular events and no others that led to the fall of Rome, but it is an interesting study.
However I would tend to think that it was not just one thing but there were several contributing factors as you have said.
Pouring money into the gladiatorial games, trying to control such a vast empire, the occasional insanity of its rulers, disease, war, etc. I believe all played their part.