FMAT: Pekiti-Tirsia Training Discipline in Focus

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Pekiti-Tirsia Training Discipline in Focus
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Thu, 07 Jun 2007 22:34:06 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


From the history of war beginning the time where it started God in heaven drove the rebel leader with 1/3 of the Angels down to the pit of darkness.The defeat was not a total loss because the existence was noted in the famous Garden of Eden where the tempter drove the created innocent pair Man and a Woman into the world of Sin, that was the beginning where the generations of the 12 tribes spread to the many lands across the Continents of the middle East. War among many tribes rose the Nations of Superior men of war guided by the God's command to kill and destroy all other tribes.The Good book as it was written explains the historical battles of the Bible thicker than the Bible. Reading the history of King David to King Solomon and all other Kings before them and after their time, the history of the rising nations from the Middle East to Asian Continent War and rumors of war made the men of each nation prepared and made themselves ready to meet the incoming invasion where Hordes of blood sucking barbarians with Cavalry of Swordsmen trained and disciplined to kill everyone along the way, burning every village bringing with them the spoils of war. The weak perished the strong survived. Those horrifying days are not over, today we are not defeated by the hundreds and by the thousands but are defeated and captured by our own individual weaknesses, ignorance of the enemy inside,killed by the unseen events championed by the criminally instinct person whose blood line is to kill.

Going back a little farther the history of the religious 103 wars in Europe it was called the HOLY WAR not counting the millions that were killed under the Inquisitions of the famous KNIGHTS OF TEMPLARS/CRUSADERS . OPUS Dei and all others who flooded Europe with the blood of the innocence.Moving to the East where for centuries after centuries the rising Kingdoms of Emperors in China, Japan and other continents of peaceful farmers and peasants sweep by the Hordes of heartless killers. The rise and fall of each Empire is marked in the World History, written for the benefit of the later generations meaning our time that as it was in the past so shall be in our time.We are killed by installment, by the family size, by the group size as it happens at Virginia Tech, 9/11 hijacking or massive killing by the hundreds and thousands.In each country today there is no peace only wars and rumor of wars, it happens when the people are not ready then the time of killing happens few survived many dies.

History of the Philippines is not an exception. The peaceful loving Cebuanos of Cebu and in Mactan Island of Datu Lapu .The sudden appearance of the famous conquistador Ferdinand Magellan inciting to create a pocket war in Mactan Island was killed by DATU Lapulapu and his men. Few survived who went back to Spain and were able to explain to King Philip, of Spain, how the Barbarians killed their Superior Ferdinand Magellan.Since then several expeditions were sent to the Islands called the Maharlikas until King Philip named the Islands in his name-PHILIP-PINES otherwise known today as the Philippines. For 330 years the war in the Philippines was in a form of pocket revolutions against the domination of the peoples mind in forms of religious indoctrination as a pretext to steal the land from the inhabitants, co-existing with Filipina women and having children and naming the Children in Spanish names, taking the beautiful daughters of several families forcing the daughters to marry a Spanish soldier or forcefully taken by the rich Spanish landlord a his Querida. No choice for the people but to submit to the Spanish regime. But to the filipino men , enough was enough, they group themselves under the title KATIPUNEROS of the KATIPUNAN or Assembly of warriors where they rose to anger and with them was the KALI PHILOSOPHY : To believe in Life not Death, to believe in Success not failures, to believe in Good health not sickness.The Katipuneros with their 32 styles of sharpened filipino bolos fought the Spanish soldiers in many garrisons distributed in many Islands under the elements of Surprises. The killing was not massive but everyday there was a dying Spanish soldiers dragging his single shot rifles and his Toledo spanish sword crying for help. Unfortunately the Filipinos turned their back 180 degrees ignoring the crying spanish soldier.In all the years of silent struggle by the Katipuneros, the Spanish Governent of Spain decided to sign a Treaty with the US Government with a cost of #3.00 dollars per head to every Filipino that was still alive and to be accounted for.The history of Spanish defeat in the Philippines was not a surrender to the Filipino people or to the Katipuneros but to another nation, the USA. This means that Spain was to save their Aristocratic image that they didn't lose the war against the filipinos but rather the Philippines as a country was sold to the Americans and there was no defeat.But that was not the end of Philippine revolution, the coming of the Americans under Admiral Dewey, the filipinos not recognizing the Americans because of the same color, height and noses, the filipinos fought Admiral Dewey's navy soldiers but they had no matched to the barefooted Katipuneros, Admiral requested WAshington D. C. to send an infantry men trained to fight on land. In short. Blackjack Pershing just completed his victory against the Cuban revolution was shipped to the Philippines and on the day they landed in Manila bay they were met by the filipino bolomen of war. Their 38 revolver and Kruger rifles were outpowered by the rushing bolomen coming from many directions demoralizing the men of Blackjack Pershing. It was then that Blackjack Pershing thought it was wise to request Washington D. C. to search the development a pistol with KNOCKING POWER, a 45 caliber pistol was developed and took its first test against the filipino Bolo Men. Inspite of the 45 caliber pistol it didn't destroy the moral of the filipino fighters ,the Guerilla Tactics of attack using the elements of surprise was more effective than a 45 caliber pistol. In the famous Balingaga Massacre 72 American soldiers were all killed inside the church in Leyte Samar. All Edged weapon attacked using the Ginunting as the primary blade and all others like the Talibong, Parang,Dahong Palay, combat Kampilan, Daggas of double Edged dip into Scorpion poison. There was no end to the pocket revolts in many Islands 7, 169 big and small Islands. Blackjack Pershing was held in Jolo fighting against the Mindanao Tausogs in Jolo and the Maranaws in Lanao and other tribes. He stayed and held Jolo as his headquarters until he became the first American Governor of Jolo. Pressured by the increasing revolts, the United States government offered a peaceful solutions by extending the COMMONWEALTH Goverment to the Philippines. A USAFE -United States Armed Forces of the Far East was formed to bring the Americans and Filipinos under one military roof in preparation for the defence of the Philippines and the Far East. Filipino men were integrated as member of the military command interfacing each other as soldiers sharing the experience of war and how the culture of the filipinos differ from the Americans. The culture of bravery and Courage was then introduced to the
the American soldiers via Bolo training that many American soldiers took the experience in Edged Weaponry vitally used for close quarter survival.

In 1942 the Japanese Armada entered the Philippines via Lingayen Gulf made their way to Manila, thus the beginning of the fall of Manila Japanese took the strong American fortress ( Bataan and Corrigidor), the American soldier together with the Filipino contingent outnumbered and outpowered by the Japanese zero fighters and bombers, Corrigidor and Bataan surrendered under the command of General WAinwirght. The filipino soldiers escape and to the Mountain of Mariveles, sharpened their Bolos and continued to fight the Japanese under the Guerilla Tactics. General Douglas Mac Arthur escaped via Australia bound to the US. For two solid years the Filipinos were left to fight the Japanese Government in the Philippines and with constant harrassment by the filipino Guerillas, the Japanese abandoned the Philippines took all what the y could bring and left the Philippines and as they were about to enter the International waters they were met by the American warships with new fighter planes with fresh fighting US Marines equipped with modern machine guns and cannons. The famous battle of the Philippine began and at the end of three days the Japanese fleet were all destroy , the beginning of the defeat of Japan.

In summary, the three major wars in the Pacific in its final score it all happened in the Philippines from 1521 to 1945. The filipino culture of Bravery and Courage inspired and propelled by the strength of the in-depth meaning of Kali -Philosophy proved to the entire world that the silent impact of what is the FMA is all about has been proven effective and it cost lots of lives to perfect one technique.

The Kali discipline in its highest training ritual is incomparably unsurpassed since the beginning of the Philippine History and today the history is being reconstructed in forms of combat discipline under the Philippine Marine Corps and the Philippine National Police and in 2008 it will spread to the Philippine Army Command to the Navy and
the Air force.

"So what was in the past so shall it be "


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