"IT" is coming....

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
...July 1st 2003

What is "IT"? (Besides a real cheesy attention getter?) :D

On July 1st, 2003, MartialTalk.com will unveil its newest expansion project.
"IT" is almost ready. Actually, "IT' is ready, except for 1 key piece.

As soon as that had been delivered, we will unveil things to the world.

I'm very excited about this project...:)
No reason to be scared, though some aspects of it will certainly generate some controversy.

Remember the billboards that just said


That was the best hype for a flick I ever saw.
I'm personally hoping for even MORE new cute smileys! :D (I saw a really cute elf smiley, Batman smiley, and kitty smiley somewhere.) However, I'm aware the dangers of 'smiley abuse'. ;)

If this "IT" is something that will be spectacular and everyone on the board can't help but notice the change, we should have some sort of a countdown. Will Martial Talk be down for awhile when you make the change?

Robyn :asian:
Allmost 97% of the site modifications are already in place, the only 2 pieces remaining are the link added to the menu and 'it' itself. :)

As to the smilieys, I just got a zipfile of over 1000 new ones from a friend of mine. I do expect to be adding in more smilies as we go, but that isn't 'IT'. :)

1 aspect of 'it' will reach far beyond MT and most certainly have people talking about MT. :) I'm confident that there will be shockwaves. ^_^
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
As to the smilieys, I just got a zipfile of over 1000 new ones from a friend of mine. I do expect to be adding in more smilies as we go, but that isn't 'IT'. :)

1000 new smilies!!!!:eek: drool! I look forward to see some added whenever you do that. :) I remember some of the MANY smileys you had on your other site (before the crash). I loved the selection.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
1 aspect of 'it' will reach far beyond MT and most certainly have people talking about MT. :) I'm confident that there will be shockwaves. ^_^

:confused: :eek: :erg: :lookie: OOOH! The anticipation! I'm not sure whether to be worried about something that will cause "shockwaves" and possible controversy or not! :confused:

Robyn :asian:
It's all a boldfaced lie...Kaith just ripped off the idea for Kaman's Segway!


We're eventually switching the software over there back to vB which is what we use here. Once I do, I'm gonna do a ton of em over there. (Many dont 'fit'here).

As to it...lets just say than many poeple have asked me 'what are you smoking'.....many more will do so after its out. :)

And...its all good stuff, so no worries. :)
I'll give you a hint:

What does "Chi", Remy Presas, Ed Parker, West Seneca NY, West Virginia all have in common?

I know what Kaith smokes.


He rolls 'em in newspaper. 2-feet long. All the cats in NY hate him cuz he's using up the supply.

yes, I'm feeling goofy this morning.

I use Black Belt certificates for my catnip rolls. Once I get really goofy, it helps me really get Inside my Kung Fu studies. Now, its time to go write in my Journal.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
I'll give you a hint:

What does "Chi", Remy Presas, Ed Parker, West Seneca NY, West Virginia all have in common?

They're all followed by the question mark. (at least when I think about them) :confused: ;)

Catnip! :lol::rofl:

...........Bah I know what "It" is! I figured it out! Of course! What else could "It" be! MWUAHAHAHA YOU CANNOT FOOL ME! :D

Alright fine I dont know..............TELL ME! :wah:
Originally posted by KenpoTess
I know what 'IT' is ......... Neener neener neener


I know what it is now :D

Oh and Tess.....:btg:
