I wrote a reply on the leadership subject a while back, but can´t seem to find it on the forum.
Regarding Angi Uezu.
He Marriede Tatsuo Shimabuku´s daugther, so he is the son-in-law. Kichiro Shimabuku is Tatsuo Shimabukus son.
There are alot of Isshinryu versions out there.
The variations all depend on how long and which period of time they studied with Tatsuo Shimabuku. Some versions don´t even have the last Kobudo kata´s. Shimabuku hadn´t incoroporated them in the system while they studied with him.
Advincula does his version, off course, he can´t do anything else - he´s just teaching/developing what he´s taught.
He is actually one of the people who studied the longest period with Tatsuo Shimabuku. Besides Isshinryu he also does a system callede Hindiandi and from his native background he does some Escrima.
He also follows/runs the Ryukonkai Kobudo system/asscociation and the Tomo No Kai and has contact to an old Isshinryu student (Kensho Tokumura) on Okinawa. He and his groups arranges tours there.
More about Advincula at:
Regarding the patch/symbol of Isshinryu.
Yes it´s from a dream Tatsuo Shimabuku had combined with an ancient Okinawan legend.
Advincula have done quite alot of research on this subject. Again the problem is that smebody came up with the idea of making the patch but the prototype was to expensive to manufature. All the large associations made their own.
The other problem is the name of it, here it goes: Megami, Mizu gami, Migami, Goju shin sama and soforth - politics, cultural barrieres and misunderstandings.
Some fractions, among the one i´m following, don´t use the patch on their Karate uniform they use kanji or other similar signs/patches.
We only emphasize the meaning/symbolism of the painting/patch but we don´t wear it. We have it in our dojo´s.