Is this a new type of carjacking?


Crazy like a...
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This did not happen to me, nor did it happen near me.

A driver plans to give another person a ride home. The driver reaches the intended meeting place, and pulls to the side of the road. The passenger side door is unlocked. A small group of people that are likely inebriated open the passenger side doors and try piling in to the car, asking the driver to go to a particular place or to "lets go and party". The people piling in the car may, or may not, know the driver from somewhere.

The driver is not directly threatened with a weapon, but has a crush of uninvited "guests" either in their car, or trying to get in to their car.

Is this a new type of carjacking? Has anyone seen this before?
I have never heard of this before, but I can see it happening. Hopefully not to me.
I've never heard of it either, but I can imagine it could turn ugly pretty quick. I'm assuming that the person that is getting the ride, is part of this set up? If so, then I have to well does the driver know this person? I mean, I can't imagine any of my friends, setting me up like this. Of course, I wouldn't give a ride to someone I dont know anyways. As for the people opening the door....well, my suggestion to the driver would be to step on the gas and get the hell out of there. If someone happens to get injured in the process, oh well. Maybe the next time they think about trying something like this, they'll recall their foot being run over. :D
The only thing close I have heard of is an attractive girl hitching a ride...while unsavory characters wait nearby out of sight. They jump in when the driver stops for the girl.
Sounds like a good use for skunk gas like the Israelis use! Just hold your nose and spary them.

Or better yet, just lock your doors.... and keep your roscoe handy.

My husband now (finally) keeps his car doors locked after he stopped to wait for a break in traffic to pull out of a parking lot and a hooker jumped into his car. No lie. He hadn't made eye contact, didn't even see her coming, but she hopped in and propositioned him. Eek.