It depends on the questions asked and as you'll see in the survey a new question was asked.
Recently a survey was done of women which asked have they ever had sex with a man when they felt they didn't want to, including with husbands, but didn't like to say no. A lot of women answered well yes so when the statistics were published they put these women down as having been raped. The truth was that in a relationship both people often will have sex when their partner wants to more than they do but they are quite capable of saying no so it's hardly rape.
The survey asked about domestic violence and any sort of violence such as smashing a window etc was recorded as violent crime. I remember this survey because at the time the Chief Constables in Scotland were saying it was unrepresentative of crime figures.
"The upward trend in recorded violence can be partly attributed to a new domestic violence 'screener' question which was incorporated in the survey for the first time in 2000. This had the effect of increasing the number of serious assault cases reported to the 2000 survey by 34% and contributed 10% to the overall increase in violent crime. The increase in violent crimes reported to the survey did not reach statistical significance. However, police recorded crime statistics over the same period also showed an increase in violent crime (16%) suggesting that there has been a real increase. Nevertheless, violent crime in Scotland is still rare, with only 2.8% of the population having experienced such a crime in 1999"
Violence is Scotland is the same as it is in England and Wales and as I've said before is more likely to be against young males. The gang culture in Glasgow for example was widespread long before America was discovered, it's likely the Scots gave you gangs. Blade carrying has always been common, a Glasgow 'smile' is notorious, where they slice your face open.
So while they may have phoned 'real' victims of violence can you imagine the response they got from gang members?
As I said before there is real violence in Northern Ireland but this is mirrored in Scotland, there is sectarian violence as bad as any you will find in NI, you may think Glasgow Rangers and Celtic are just football teams (soccer) they are not. They represent the two sides in sectarian violence that has been going for centuries. The Catholic and the Protestants have never be at peace and probably never, with resulting in violence everyday. It's something thats been overlooked time and time again. theres where you'll find your figures for violence on top of the violence any society produces from its disaffected and criminals.
In the figures for deaths I should point out that deaths by misadventure ( such as climbing, boating, diy etc accidents), deaths occuring outside the UK but to UK citizens ( someone murdred in another country), deaths of servicemen killed in war and accidents, deaths that are unexpected are all recorded as unlawful deaths and 'bump' up the figures. We have had 152 soldiers killed in Afghanistan alone so thats 152 murders recorded in the statistics.
"The following correction was printed in the Guardian's Corrections and clarifications column, Monday October 24 2005
The feature below mistakenly quoted a forthcoming University of California report as claiming that the country's murder rate now exceeds that of America. However, the report combines figures for murder, manslaughter and other "deliberate and non-deliberate deaths" and concludes that Scotland has a higher violent death rate than America. A recent World Health Organisation report, mentioned in the article, gives Scotland's murder rate as 2.33 deaths per 100,000 people. FBI figures released last week put the US rate at 5.5 per 100,000."