Is the Bayonet Obsolete?

Bayonet has its place and thus will never be obsolete.

In California (I don't know with the other States), SKS and AK-47 with bayonets are perfectly legal but with certain restrictions.

The problem with having a bayonet is that the weapon gets to be too long and too bulky to quickly deploy and maneuver it in close quarter.
The problem with having a bayonet is that the weapon gets to be too long and too bulky to quickly deploy and maneuver it in close quarter.
Unsurprising. The history of the bayonet, in conjunction with the physics of a rifle, conspire to make it a "long" weapon.

Historically, bayonets were to turn a single-shot longarm into a semi-effective spear after the round had been fired. In this case, longer is almost always better.

With rifles, the more length to the barrel, the more accurate (up to a point anyway).

Heck, just adding a point/knife to the end, by definition, adds length.

Hence, adding a bayonet is always going to make the weapon more cumbersome and unwieldy in "close quarters" than without. :)

Peace favor your sword,
Dropping long runs and adding more functional drills than push ups and jumping jacks is a good thing.

But if they are trying to tough up the new generation for fighting than some time with the bayonet is a good idea whether he ever uses one for real or not.

There is enough documented use of the weapon to keep it around.
If something is documented you know it has happend alot more undocumented.
Why not just extend the training time, 10 weeks is a very short time to train a soldier.
Why not just extend the training time, 10 weeks is a very short time to train a soldier.
Current US military training consists of multiple phases. Boot camp or Basic is about making the transition from civilian to soldier/sailor/airman/Marine. The get basic combat training, but the main thing is about learning to be a military service member. After Basic, the service member moves into specialized training related to their Military Occupations Specialty. The length of specialized training depends on the specialty.
the simple answer is .. of course not!! not just no, but HELL NO! I believe that the military needs to make sure that the soldier and marine is competent with his knife, bayonet, rifle and other weapons, and unarmed. but when the enemy is very very determined you still may have to go in with a bayonet and make him stop! it has use in crowd control as well.
Are bayonets obsolete? Absolutely. Why?

In my opinion it is not because the bayonet is not useful or can't be effective. It is obsolete simply because, for the most part, there was no use for it outside of Basic other than to waste space in the arms room.

I believe it could still be used effectively in close range situations. But alas, I haven't seen a bayonet mounted on a rifle outside of Basic unless it was fixed on a ceremonial service rifle.

With the current state of affairs being what they are in the military, it might be far more prudent to instruct Soldiers and Marines more about how to use your rifle itself as a melee weapon. The buttstock of a rifle may not be as sharp as a bayonet, but I for one wouldn't enjoy being bludgeoned with one.


"He who knows not and knows not he knows not: He is a fool. Shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not: He is simple. Teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows: He is asleep. Awaken him. He who knows and knows that he knows: He is wise. Follow him."
- Bruce Lee

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