Is my brother putting too much stress on kids

Exactly. It's a reply to what I'm saying. So I'm assuming it's talking to me about what I was talking about. And when the response is something that makes it sound like my position is in the wrong, even if it's just generally aimed at my position, I'm still caught in the crossfire. And since I'm the subject of the post, it feels like it's more than crossfire - but that it's aimed at me.

Of course, with certain people in this thread, if I get offended at what they say, it's because I misunderstood them and they were just talking past me. But if I offend them...whoa boy, buckle in for the lecture!

if you think you have offended me you are very much mistaken, you are the one throwing out the personal insults not me. I also don't see why you would take offence when none is offered, becoming overwrought is an absurd response to someone disagreeing with you on a discussion site.

Return to the initial topic and keep the replies polite and friendly and courteous.
One suggestion: before you click "POST REPLY" ask yourself "does this bear on the actual topic of the thread, or is it about a poster?"
If it's about a poster, don't post it.

Mark A Cochran
@Dirty Dog
MartialTalk Senior Moderator
When you quote me, it sounds like you're talking to me. It doesn't sound like you're making a generalization that has nothing to do with me.

Ok, shall we clear this up? The quote function shows that it's a reply to comments you have made, it does not imply in any way that it is personally aimed at you. The quote gives context to the comments made by the person quoting otherwise the context is likely to be lost. In real time conversation we don't need to repeat what the other has said as everyone follows the conversation which is going on. Here on MT, we have things like real lives and time differences, if I make comments during my day, others may not see it because it's during their night or they are working, doing other things etc so there is no continuity in the conversation unless we quote the comment we are opining on. We'd end up with loads of random comments no one understood. Quoting people is basically just going back to a conversation within a conversation so we know what we are talking about. If I were to address a poster with the intent to make the content personal to them then I'd use @skribs to signal it's a personal answer not a general one.
So back to the subject in hand.
I do very well In the beginning classes for everything
It’s the higher classes where I tend to quit due to age

Age is just your excuse for inexperience...

You're not quitting out of higher classes because of your age, you're quitting out because you don't really know yet how to handle it.

You're far from the oldest one here, learn to learn and stop talking yourself into a zimmer.

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