Completed my first tournament since joining this new company


Green Belt
Well, this past Saturday (December 3rd) SethG and myself along with our significant others went to our fist tournament held by our "parent company". It's really wierd how we are half a McDojo and half not. We train the beginners into a regimented Karate style then once they hit Green belt, they can train under the actual instructor's style. But that's a completely different story. Anyway... Since we live on one side of the state and the tournament was on the other, we had to get up at 3am and leave town at 4 just ot be there by check in at 7. The black belts competed by 8am and were done by 10. There were only 4 of them so it went by really quick.

As this was the all state tournament for our organization, when 11 rolled around it got insane. Wave after wave of kid. It was non stop judging in our ring. Belts and age groups per event. My ring... In charge of the same amount of groups. They were just full of more kids since the divisions had more in them.

I can say it one way or the other, just depends on which way you want to percieve it. We had about 10% of our kids show. (Not bad, but we've got 40 kids... do the math. LOL!)

My Blue belt sparred and did forms. Didn't place in the top 4 in any of his events. He was also at the top of his game in the last season since his placement, belt-wise, was the top end of the beginners. He's now at the bottom end of the intermediate group. We just continued to give him good talk and it hopefully helped keep his chin up.

Our next student down was a 1st degree Green belt. Kind of a lala land kind of kid that honestly studies the material, but isn't serious. He knows the materials, but can't focus his energies properly. Unforuately, it showed. He didn't place in his forms and other events.

We had 1 Yellow belt. She rocked her events. She came to do our strongest punch and kick competitions. She ranked 1st place in her division for punch and 3rd for kick. I was so proud.

One of the "micro kids" :) in my class came and took home a trophy for 3rd place in "Walking with Confidence." He presented in a very respectful and formal fashion. He represented the class (and definitely the other kids in his division that are in his class) wonderfully. And to think... He came and was about dropping a load with all of these other kids that were kia!ing and fighting and the gym was filled a ton of people. He warmed up with the help of some great people and took home a trophy. Now how cool is that to be a 5 year old and say that you accomplished that? :D

Though not everyone placed, I'm proud of all the kids. If anyone wants, I'll post some photos later after the cameras get charged and downloaded.

Needless to say... We got out of there at 7 and didn't get home till 11ish.
Congratulations! First tourney's are always an experience. Even if some didn't place, as long as they had fun and took away something from it, it's never a wasted trip. Now they know what to expect and have a chance to gear up for the next one.
Hello, The first one is always the hardest because of the many unknowns of what to expect, at the same time it is lots of fun because you get to see and meet many people who like the martial arts.

At my first tournment as a green belt sparring against other schools and systems was very a learning experience. We did make many new friends since than.

To learn something new is good and to learn what Martial art tournments are about was very helpful in my training and knowledge. Today tooking back is rewarding to know that it did help my learning today.

Keep in mind Tournment fighting is very different from real fighting where there are NO RULES and anything goes. No one fights tournment style on the streets. ...........................Just my thoughts...........Aloha
Sound like you had a good time please do post some pics of the evebt.
Gemini said:
Congratulations! First tourney's are always an experience. Even if some didn't place, as long as they had fun and took away something from it, it's never a wasted trip. Now they know what to expect and have a chance to gear up for the next one.

Well, it wasn't our first tournament, per se, but it was all the kid's except the our highest ranking student. It was our first with this group though.
still learning said:
Hello, The first one is always the hardest because of the many unknowns of what to expect, at the same time it is lots of fun because you get to see and meet many people who like the martial arts.

At my first tournment as a green belt sparring against other schools and systems was very a learning experience. We did make many new friends since than.

To learn something new is good and to learn what Martial art tournments are about was very helpful in my training and knowledge. Today tooking back is rewarding to know that it did help my learning today.

Keep in mind Tournment fighting is very different from real fighting where there are NO RULES and anything goes. No one fights tournment style on the streets. ...........................Just my thoughts...........Aloha

Yeah, there were DEFINITELY some unkowns that day. One thing in particular were the opening ceremonies that we did each time a division started. The first time around they neglected to tell us that we had to do a little skit after being announced. I found out 1 group before being called. Not cool. The good thing is that SethG was there and only our upper student was there. That left the 3 of us to do a quick Arnis drill.

The organizers were a bit of the opposite of the name. They had some events that were going that werent on the list of events and then they had events that some students came for that were on the list but they were trimmed without any prior notice. Not cool.

The experience was definitely there. I'm printing up some pics for the other kids tonight. I don't want them to feel bad, but I do want them to see what they missed.
terryl965 said:
Sound like you had a good time please do post some pics of the evebt.

Photos are coming soon. I just got them edited in photoshop so they don't look so dead as gym lights like to do to photos.

Heh, It's the tournament of the undead. ZOMBIE KARATE!

Anyway... Keep an eye out. ;)
Nice photos kep them comeing.

Would you like to identify the people in the large one or any of them for that matter
I rememmber my first tourny, my sparring was epic, down to a tie breaker point...

I also rememmber my first tourny as an instructor and seeing the kids I teach do there stuff..Boy was I proud

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