Is it proper?



Is it proper to ask your instructor if they ever had to use their martial art in a situation? I was thinking about asking mine and was wondering if it's proper etiquette because if not then I won't ask. Thanks for any input. :)
I think any honest question is worth asking if the intention is a good one.

If you were taking dance lessons wouldn't you want to know if they ever danced before. How about cooking or modeling, art, swimming, your paying him for service. You should never look at your instructor any different than you would any other teacher supplying any other service.

Once they understand that they can never pull the old Who are you to ask me questions, its rare but some of them are still out there. I think it's a valid question when asked with honesty and respect like you would any other type of teacher.

Respectfully Dan Brady.
sure...why not...

just ask in a "tasteful" manner. some people ask friends or aquaintences they know who practice martial arts if they've ever been in a confrontation because they want to hear the gory details they think they'll get. or they just want to hassle people.

a simple straight up "have you ever had to use (your choice of martial art) in a real life situation?" would be a good way to do it.

and if they get all bent out of shape about it maybe you can help them find that stick that got stuck up their butt.
Just ask him. I'm going to ask him if we can have 2 hour classes instead of 1 hour classes. He'll love that.:)
It's definitely acceptable, as long as you don't ask like "Hey, you ever kicked someone's ***?" However, the way you phrased it is perfectly fine...asking if there's ever been a real life situation where he/she had to defend themself.

My instructor would be cool with it, I'm sure, I've never asked him. He told me a funny story about kicking his brother in the face, though.
Sure like others said just be taseful with how you phrase your question.
Just make sure you are wearing a decent box when you ask....:lol:

I think your question would be appropriate. Just be sure to word it in the right way and explain to him your reason for asking.

Good journey.

Joshua Ryer
UPK Pittsburgh
Sure I asked my instructor, he gave me an example of someone breaking into his house and he had to choke out. Then he showed the tech. That he used.:asian:
In the old days when I started, I would never have asked such a question, I was 6 and scared to death of my Sensei.
However, now that I am all grown up so to say, I do not see any problem with asking such a question. There are many teachers out there that have never actually been in a real street fight. Some would say this is bad, some would say who cares so long as they know their stuff.
Wrong with it. In one way, that's how we learn, from other peoples experiences. Most liked to be asked, and may provide interesting insight for you as a student.

Good post on your part!:asian:
Originally posted by rachel
Just ask him. I'm going to ask him if we can have 2 hour classes instead of 1 hour classes. He'll love that.:)

But then he will only be earning half as much money!!!
Originally posted by RCastillo
Wrong with it. In one way, that's how we learn, from other peoples experiences. Most liked to be asked, and may provide interesting insight for you as a student.

Good post on your part!:asian:

:eek: :eek: :eek:
What's this?????
:eek: :eek: :eek:
A serious post from Ricardo?
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Orig. posted by ChineseKempoAL
Is it proper to ask your instructor if they ever had to use their martial art in a situation? Thanks for any input. :)

You should be able to ask "anything" of your instructor that comes to mind. That is what they are there for. Of course, ask in sincerity and with politeness, but other than that ask away (at least that's my philosophy with my students).

Thanks for all the input. Really appreciate it. I have not asked him yet because I keep forgetting everytime I am at class. lol. I guess I am more worried about asking him questions about the techniques in class rather than if he ever had to use his art. Anywho, thanks again for the input. Later.
For those interested, I finally asked him. He answered with a yes that when he was in high school he had the normal scraps and that when he was in college he had gotten into a serious mix. But that was it he never went into great detail nor did I ask him to. So I just figured I'd leave it at that.
Origin.posted by ChineseKempoAL
I finally asked, and he answered with a yes. In high school and college he had some scraps.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Origin.posted by ChineseKempoAL
He never went into great detail nor did I ask him to.

Well, you didn't ask for details...... I'll bet he would have told you more if you would have just asked him to explain more details. Students always are interested if you ever had any cause to use the Art and what you did. I know I was.

No harm in asking. I get the feeling you are afraid of your instructor for some reason?

Originally posted by Goldendragon7
Ask and ye shall receive.

Well, you didn't ask for details...... I'll bet he would have told you more if you would have just asked him to explain more details. Students always are interested if you ever had any cause to use the Art and what you did. I know I was.

No harm in asking. I get the feeling you are afraid of your instructor for some reason?


The last time I asked he Goldendragon something, I got hit in the throat.

So, how was your day?:)
Originally posted by RCastillo
The last time I asked the Goldendragon something, I got hit in the throat.

LOL, well you wanted to know what it felt like to be hit in the throat! What was I supposed to do?
Just "tell" you?
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
LOL, well you wanted to know what it felt like to be hit in the throat! What was I supposed to do?
Just "tell" you?
I have a feeling that he is going to ask me and JF about our special *Boot to the Groin* technique too.....:EG:

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