Is it proper?

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Originally posted by RCastillo
The last time I asked he Goldendragon something, I got hit in the throat.

So, how was your day?:)

I have been on the receiving end of Mr. C's poke to the throat.. *still trying to fish my larynx outta my trachea~!!! *G*

Still have a lovely bruise on my inner elbow from Mr. C's rebounding sword hand.. Wow.. Still in awe ~!!!
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

No harm in asking. I get the feeling you are afraid of your instructor for some reason?


It's not that I'm afraid of my instructor it's more of a respect thing. I don't want him to think I'm pryin' into his life and stuff like that. I just figured I asked and the response I would get would have included details. I kinda figured he didn't want to talk to much about it so I left it at that. He did tell me he was a bouncer at a few clubs and had to use holds and arm locks to control people. I remember asking a brown belt in my class if he ever used the art but he didn't hear me to well and thought I asked about the instructor. I noticed this brown belt kinda look around and then in a low quiet voice said yes our instructor had used our art. So maybe my instructor had to rearrange someone's stuff....:shrug: Not sure though. And BTW I don't need to be hit in the throat to know it sucks. Maybe you guys are just kidding :) funny though. Later.
Originally posted by ChineseKempoAL
I kinda figured he didn't want to talk to much about it so I left it at that.

Bottom line is......... always use your better judgment, but do not hesitate to ask questions in a polite manner (he would probably love to share some stories to help teach and give examples to you).:D

Originally posted by ChineseKempoAL
BTW I don't need to be hit in the throat to know it sucks. Maybe you guys are just kidding :) funny though.

Yes, we have been known to tease quite a bit here. :rofl:

I have been asked the same by my students, and I tell them yes but it never really lasted to long. at a Tracy seminar I attended somebody ask Master Tracy the same question and he kept the response short and sweet. he also added that when he used to talk to Bruce Lee about fights he had been in. Bruce Lee never talked about the fights he won only the ones he lost or recieved a good go around, he did not like to bost (humble). you should be able to ask your instructor anything as long as it is in good taste
and with good reason

stacks :asian:
Originally posted by ChineseKempoAL
Is it proper to ask your instructor if they ever had to use their martial art in a situation? I was thinking about asking mine and was wondering if it's proper etiquette because if not then I won't ask. Thanks for any input. :)

Your instructor has probably been asked a hundred times before. I think it's O.K.:asian:
. . . . I suppose I would most want an instructor who has never used his martial arts skill in a live situation. One of the best skills to learn, I think, is how to avoid a conflict . . . . . my martial arts instructor tells me that martial arts are for self defense . . . . not self offense.

. . . . all this being said, my current instructor had to use martial arts once, in NYC, against an intoxicate, coffee-throwing, vagrant. A very quick 'Five Swords' later, the vagrant was horizontal, and the close-by NYC police officer was was left asking "What was that?" He gave may instructor a walk.

. . . . the only time, I wish I knew martial arts before I started studying, was probably 18 years ago, and I was the intoxicated, coffee-throwing, vagrant. Someone else got in a good left hook, oh, to know the first move of 'Sword of Destruction' then ... oh, well.
