Originally posted by akja
I wasn't pointing out your identity, I was pointing out from my(American) point of view.
If you were pointing out
your identity, then why did you say:
I think" that your brain (an Americans) should be focused on the techniques...
The use of the word "your" indicates you were addressing
me, not yourself... Or is that your selective use of the rules of language again?
The Japanese used their pronunciation of Chuan Fa. We are using our pronunciation of Jujutsu.
No. Our pronunciation of
jujutsu is "grappling," "groundfighting," or something similar. See, the thing is that the characters are what they are. Those same characters are used through certain countries to represent certain ideas. They are used as common parts of those languages. The words
ju and
jutsu are neither common nor indiginous to English, though the above terms are. But if you knew more about the languages you are playing with, this wouldn't need to be pointed out...
There are other authourties than yourself for the reasons of how someone spells a foreign word. Such as Grandmaster Wally Jay whom "I borrowed" the spelling of Jujitsu from. Then there is Professor George Kirby who spells it Ju jitsu.
And they are both still wrong. Go to Japan, take a Japanese language course in a local college, pick up a Japanese language textbook. There is one method of romaji, and one only. Anything else is very simply incorrect, no matter who uses it.
You haven't proved anything! Just what are these errors you think you have proven to me?
I have given you the corrections for the linguistic errors you continue to make, along with the arguments needed to point out why you are wrong. But because of your terminal monolingualism (or at least your ignorance of Asian languages as they are actually spoken), you continue to use the lame excuse that "this is my way" to validate your continued misuse of certain terms.
What I think is right for me, is right for me! What is right for you, does not mean it is right for all!
You're right again. So when I dump on your living room carpet or urinate on your dining room table, am I just doing what is right for me?
Rules are rules for reasons. Rules don't exist just because people like them, but because we need them to govern our entire community (local and global alike). When we allow individual expression to erode standards, we erode the foundations of whatever it is we are doing. If we do not enforce certain standards of our martial arts community, then mini-mall fraud masters have alibis and excuses for their activities - they are, after all, just doing what they think is right...
Do what you want. I can't stop you. I have simply tried to show you that, after living in Japan, studying Japanese language informally with my Japanese friends and formally in college courses, I may just know the proper use of that language a little better than you do. Like the argument on another thread about the use of
shi versus
yon for the number 4, and
shichi versus
nana for the number 7. Just because a bunch of monolingual Americans use the word incorrectly does not make it right.
As a humorous (at least I think so) aside, one of my favorite jokes, and one that was
really well received by some of my friends in Japan (from Japan, China, Germany, Canada and England) is as follows:
What do you call someone that speaks two languages?
What do you call someone that speaks three languages?
What do you call someone that only speaks one language?
Additionally, the Englishman (actually an English born Irishman) maintains that we Yanks don't actually speak English... I suspect that in most cases he is right!
I told him he needed to learn to talk American more better...