Is getting hit to the head over and over can be dangerous?

Those fighters with problems is it mostly short term or long term memory that is problem?

Have hard time learning things and remembering things? Slow reaction time and talk slow?

Slow at learning things and hard time remembering things and ever to go over it over and over?

It can either be short term or long term memory loss depending on which part of the brain is affected. As for the rest, I'm not a neuroscientist so I couldn't give any more detail or explanation than that. Bottom line though is that a blow to the head is never a good thing, and multiple blows to the head are very very bad.
Fox has Parkinson's Disease. Totally different.

He was being sarcastic. Fox has Parkinson's. So did Muhammad Ali. People argue to great degrees that Ali's symptoms were from head trauma. Others argue it was Parkinson's. The only thing that can be proven beyond doubt is Ali had Parkinson's.
He was being sarcastic. Fox has Parkinson's. So did Muhammad Ali. People argue to great degrees that Ali's symptoms were from head trauma. Others argue it was Parkinson's. The only thing that can be proven beyond doubt is Ali had Parkinson's.

Yeah I am not sure there is a clear line between the two. My dad has Parkinson's, and he never got hit in the head.
and kickboxing so on and other martial arts getting hit to the head over and over?

They are not safe. Martial arts is not safe. That is something we must all accept and be crazy enough to do it anyway.

They're ways to prevent injury but then you have to sacrifice realism which is detrimental to learning. The thing is you have to limit how often you spar because too much will hurt you and you will feel it when you are older.
What about blacks outs or being dazed and drunk after hard hit? Than after x time you are okay.

If you get hit hard and are dazed and drunk. you need to treat it as serious stop and get yourself checked out by a doctor.

And you shouldn't spar again for a while if you have been concussed. and certainly shouldn't fight.

This is some of the other issues with boxing is you can fight every weekend. rather than MMA which just doesnt let you. (I could hunt down the exact rules)

And the 10 count which allowes you to be concussed,recover,fight and be concussed again. Which is generally not cool.
I was concussed at least eight to ten times playing football. Each time a pat on the back and back into the game I went. There is one game as a freshman in High School that I can remember not knowing what happened after the game. Score, etc. but according to team mates I played really well. I also had one kickboxing fight where I certainly was concussed. Yet in all of the other kickboxing fight's I took repeated head shots in a high number that I have no count of. However, that is nothing compared to how many head shots I have taken in kickboxing training, tournaments, etc. Now I am around fifty and yeah, a little concerned. Yet, I am at this point 100 percent functional with no diminished capacity. One thing I do is to constantly keep on learning and not just in the martial arts but also technical training, language, etc. Hopefully I will avoid what has happened to other people. Yet, only time will tell!
I had a few concussions during high school football and wrestling. The worst occurred during a wrestling tournament. Saw it on tape - my opponent's weight and my weight came down on the top of my head, DDT style. 177 lbs weight class. I laid on top of him, motionless. The good news is he was so bad he couldn't get off his back (he didn't hit his head).

That was the first of 4 matches that day. I wrestled better than I usually did. All I remember is seeing bright lights when I hit my head. Then I woke up in my own bed the next morning. Watched every match on tape, hoping for some memory recall. None whatsoever. I told my coach right before I got ready for practice the next day. He laughed and said "you probably had a concussion; get ready for practice." I felt hungover for a solid week.

In all fairness to him, it was '93 and he didn't know the dangers involved. He'd have sent me straight to the doc if he did. He wasn't that guy you see in the movies. We had a conversation about it a few years ago. He felt pretty bad. He apologized, and I laughed. If we knew then what we know now. Luckily I'm ok.
Soccer is even a major source of concussions, second to only football in terms of "main stream" sports. Not only a matter of two heads slamming together when multiple players go for the same ball but what some call "microconcussions" from heading the ball. Cumulatively the damage from multiple microconcussions can compound over time. Now, and this is just my experience in helping a friend who got a TBI from an IED in Afghanistan, the Brain has an ability to "reroute" itself to an extent but it is limited and often cognitive, emotional and neurological issues that effect the nervous system don't become obvious for years.

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Some one was saying getting hit over and over to the head can cause injuries.

Getting hit in the head is definitely dangerous, no one is going to argue that.

But lots of things are dangerous, and people do them. It's a matter of how much risk you are willing to take. Alcohol is dangerous too, can damage the brain. A beer or two a night is probably fine. Polishing off a 26 nightly... well you'll risk being pretty messed up permanently after a while of that.

If you want to be a pro boxer and do 100+ combined amateur & pro fights you are taking a decent risk to your brain. If you are just sparring moderate contact in the gym every now and then it's a much smaller risk. But all sports, and really most activities cover some degree of risk. Even doing nothing carries risk... you'll end up out of shape and that has it's own set of risks.
If you get hit hard and are dazed and drunk. you need to treat it as serious stop and get yourself checked out by a doctor.

And you shouldn't spar again for a while if you have been concussed. and certainly shouldn't fight.

This is some of the other issues with boxing is you can fight every weekend. rather than MMA which just doesnt let you. (I could hunt down the exact rules)

And the 10 count which allowes you to be concussed,recover,fight and be concussed again. Which is generally not cool.

May be the rules will change with boxing similar to MMA to make it safer.
They are not safe. Martial arts is not safe. That is something we must all accept and be crazy enough to do it anyway.

They're ways to prevent injury but then you have to sacrifice realism which is detrimental to learning. The thing is you have to limit how often you spar because too much will hurt you and you will feel it when you are older.

So if you have hard time learning things and remembering things? Slow reaction time and talk slow? You should quite fighting? Because that means your brain is not sharp like it was before and toll of fighting it is having on the brain?

And if you continue it will get worse?

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