*is freaking out*

47MartialMan said:
Tell her if she believes she is such an adult, than she should talk this over with her parents-no matter the outcome.
Obviously she is not an adult if she plans on "running away" from her problems. If she was such, why is the drinking age 21? Hmmnnn.....

You are the "in-between". Therefore, you must help her understand. I understand the need for confidence, but what if such confidence will bring more harm?

Talk them into staying around for a little longer. Give them other things to focus on. Let them meet new people and do new things. Find a place for them to stay, per a new roomate. Perhaps a new town not so distant would be a fresh start.
Well put. As an adult, she should be strong enough to declare her intentions and not fear the reaction of her parents because they have no say in it.

I know I was thinking that I could do whatever I wanted/mature enough....except tell my parents... when I auditioned and took a part in the HS musical after they told me specifically I was not allowed due to grades.

I don't know how many times my students tell me something like "But, if I don't ask you, you can't tell me no..." about something. It is childish to avoid. Confidence will only create more pain, more resentment and more fear for the parents.

Being upfront will send the message that she has her head on straight and is confident. Sneaking will send the message that she is ashamed and childish, thus inflating the parents concern that she may not be prepared/mature enough for such a thing.

She might have nothing bad happen, succeed even BUT the relationship will suffer more than it has to.

I'd be interested in the outcome since once it all comes to a head since you laid it out here anyways.....

so much for avoiding reality TV....

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