Baby Jessica 20+ years later


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Baby Jessica waits to collect $1M fund
By BETSY BLANEY, Associated Press Writer Wed Oct 17, 7:47 AM ET
MIDLAND, Texas - The 18-month old girl pulled from a backyard well two decades ago is now a young wife and mother — one waiting to collect donations given to her during her ordeal that are expected to total $1 million or more.
The anniversary of Jessica McClure's rescue passed Tuesday like almost every other day in the 21-year-old's life, with no public comment from her about the event that once captivated viewers around the world.
The young wife and mother is living quietly in this West Texas oil patch city, the same one where she fell into the backyard well.
"Jessica's just been a wonderful, wonderful mother," said her father, Chip McClure. "That's always been Jessica's dream, to be a stay-at-home mom."
In 3 1/2 years, however, her quiet existence might change when all the donations sent to her when she was a baby mature into a payment of $1 million or more.
Many of the sympathetic strangers who remained glued to television coverage until Jessica was freed from 22 feet below the ground showered her family with teddy bears, homemade gifts, cards and cash. It will remain in a trust fund until she turns 25.
Her father says Jessica is a happy and active woman, and doing "all the normal stuff" with her year-old son, Simon.
Also here

I remember this story as it was one of the biggest of the day. Tiny baby girl falls down a tight open well and rescue efforts mounted to hours and days to get this little one out. Now 20 something odd years later she's a grown up, a mom with a little one of her own and soon to collect a million plus from all the donations given during her ordeal.
It's nice to be able to see "where is she now" kind of thing. Fortunately and hopefully when she comes into her trust the fanfare will be quiet and she'll still live her life... alibet much more comfortably than before but just as quietly.

Anyone remember this? I'm sure some of you do. Nice to see her again huh?


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