I had a friend years ago who would assert whenever the subject of martial arts came up that formal martial arts training was unnecessary. It was his belief that you could just figure out what you needed to know on your own. I suppose that is possible, after all somebody had to come up with the techniques at one time, but I'm not close to being that inventive. When I tried to defend myself against the various bullies who liked to beat me up when I was a kid, making themselves look good in front of their friends, kicking butt over a tall, skinny, weak uncoordinated kid, I would throw these wide, fully telegraphed punches that were all too easy to see coming and punch within the arc to defeat me. I suppose it is possible through trial and error to find techniques that work for you, but I think it is the rare individual indeed who could come up with some sort of system completely on his own that is better than all the formalized, systematic martial arts systems that have been battle tested over years of trial by fire. What do you think, was my friend right, or was he a bit unrealistic in his opinion?