Ray said:Are there plus-signs on the tomb-stones? I can't be sure from the pic that was posted...
No, there are no plus signs, and no crosses, at Arlington. Neither are there six-pointed stars, or crescent moons.
EDIT - Actually, following the link at the bottom of this post, the markers can be inscribed with a cross or Star of David. - EDIT
Throughout our history, we have had many faiths represented in our military.
How appropriate would it be to bury a fallen Jewish soldier underneath a cross?
And, what do you think of this quote, by a former Secretary of Defense, and current Vice President
Richard Cheney said:Just before you settle down on the landing pad, you look upon Arlington National Cemetery...its gentle slopes and crosses row on row. I never once made that trip without being reminded how enormously fortunate we all are to be Americans, and what a terrible price thousands have paid so that all of us...and millions more around the world...might live in freedom."