Don Roley said:
Then perhaps you just don't want to hear the answer.
Some folks such as yourself have tried to say that unless Iraqi tanks could roll across New York that Hussein was not a threat to the US.
But what about biological weapons? How much does it take to develop it and then sneak it into a country via a diplomatic pouch?
Before I go on, I would point out that if you shoot someone you need to tell the officer that shows up why you did by pointing out that you believed the other guy had the means, intent and oppurtunity to attack and kill you. If you apply that here, then you can see that Hussein should have been blown away.
America did have an anthrax attack on its soil. Thank goodness it was not something more deadly like smallpox.
But the key thing is, whoever did it got away clean. We still do not know who did it.
We know Hussein was in love with bio weapon programs. He ran a program right under the noses of the UN inspectors and we were only aware of it when his son- in- law defected and blew the lid off if it.
And we know that France, China and Russia were doing all they can to get rid of the sanctions and inspectors so that they could start making money off of Hussein as soon as possible. Even without the eventual and inevitable lifting of the constaints on him, he was making billions off of ileagle trade with the help of a lot of people.
And we know that he had cut- outs in the form of terrorists that owed him favors. I know where you might go with this so I will say that these guys were not Al Queda. But they were terorists, they were willing to die for a cause and they hated America with a passion.
And Hussein was a guy that got his head handed to him by America in one war and yet still thought he could out smart and out fight them the second time. We could not bet that he would not think that he could do something like a biological attack on the US and get away with it.
Oh, and you don't launch smallpox against a goverment. You launch it against a people. If he gave guns to terrorists they could aim them at him. But unless they were willing to kill off millions of innocent Muslims, they could not use smallpox in Iraq. But they would gleefully use them in America.
If you put yourself in his shoes when he saw that someone got away with attacking the US with biological weapons, can you honestly say that he probably did not think about doing the same? Are you willing to bet with millions of American lives that he would decline from doing so? Some folks we can reach and convince to not do things like that or else face our wrath. But Hussein thought he could beat us in two different wars despite all the evidence to the contrary.
So it was a very real risk that Hussein would get the UN controls lifted on him in time because of the three members of the security council that wanted to make money off of him, he would then be able to get dual use medical supplies that could be used for biological warfare and then use his contacts with terrorists to launch those weapons on America.
Sure it would not go over in a court of law as something to convict someone. But I would use it in a defense if I had to shoot someone and be on good legal ground. And I am sure that there are people who will demand 100 percent proof that someone is about to launch an attack on the US before they would condone violence against them. I say that such people are soft on defense since that might be too late and we may never know until after the attacks like 9-11 and the anthrax cases.
But I don't think you should expect the president to say these reasons out loud. Can you imagine the politacal hell that would follow if he went on the air to announce the following?
You can imagine how that would go over in Moscow, Paris and Beijing.
It is not a case where we would have proof of something. But it is a case where we can see that Hussein had the intent to do the US harm, had the means in the near future after the sanctions was lifted and had the oppurtunity by way of his terrorist contacts. He was a danger. And we could not take the chance that he would not do something like this after all the things he has done in the past.
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Don Roley ... Thank you for presenting an argument.
FearlessFreep is correct. I do not find this argument credible as the opposing scale for a 250 Million Dollar A Day war in Iraq that has made the United States less safe, become a training ground for terrorists, and a recruitment tool for al Qaeda type organizations.
Let me break down some of your arguments .... with my opposing point of view. I generally don't like to break down arguments in this manner, but I ask that you indulge me, as a refutation of claims made by you and others.
Some folks such as yourself have tried to say that unless Iraqi tanks could roll across New York that Hussein was not a threat to the US.
If Iraq had any tanks left, after the highway of death, it is severely unlikely they posed any threat to United States or our allies ... (assuming our allies need our defense against the limp Iraqi military).
But what about biological weapons? How much does it take to develop it and then sneak it into a country via a diplomatic pouch?
In late 2002 and early 2003, the United Nations Weapons Inspectors, UNMOVIC, were searching all of Iraqi facilities for evidence of Biological Weapons. They searched over 700 facilities - locations provided to them by United States Intelligence Services - and found nothing. UNMOVIC indicated that with several more weeks of investigations, they would be able to state with as much certainty as possible, that Iraq did not have any Chemical, Biological, or Nuclear weapons, or weapons programs.
The Bush Administration would not acceed to the United Nations Inspectors. Instead, President Bush informed the United Nations he was going to launch an attack, and that for their own safety, the Inspectors should leave Iraq.
Subsequently, we have learned, through two years of United States Inspections, that Saddam Hussein's military did not have any Chemical, Biological, or Nuclear Weapons.
We might have discovered that, had we practiced a few weeks of patience.
Before I go on, I would point out that if you shoot someone you need to tell the officer that shows up why you did by pointing out that you believed the other guy had the means, intent and oppurtunity to attack and kill you. If you apply that here, then you can see that Hussein should have been blown away.
This simplistic question begs the question ... what if 'the other guy' did not have the means, intent or opportunity ... but is still lying dead on the road?
America did have an anthrax attack on its soil. Thank goodness it was not something more deadly like smallpox.
But the key thing is, whoever did it got away clean. We still do not know who did it.
I do not understand how this series of facts furthers an argument that our invasion and occupation of Iraq is in the National Defense. Rather, it seems to further the argument, that we started chasing the wrong target. And now we have gotten ourselves stuck, unable to turn our attention to the correct targets.
We know Hussein was in love with bio weapon programs. He ran a program right under the noses of the UN inspectors and we were only aware of it when his son- in- law defected and blew the lid off if it.
And we know that France, China and Russia were doing all they can to get rid of the sanctions and inspectors so that they could start making money off of Hussein as soon as possible. Even without the eventual and inevitable lifting of the constaints on him, he was making billions off of ileagle trade with the help of a lot of people.
How, exactly do we know what Hussein was 'in love' with? What evidence do you have for such a statement. I find it ridiculous on its face.
Yes, in the early and mid 90's, there were ongoing programs in Iraq that were discovered with the collaboration of an Iraqi traitor. Those programs were destroyed.
Again, the Inspectors in Iraq in 2002 and 2003 had inspected locations based on our best intelligence and came up empty handed. Unrequited love - I guess.
..... So, we can't allow France China and Russia to make money by trading with Iraq. But, we can invade, and fleece the American public (now and in the future) to enrich Halliburton and Lockheed Martin. Weren't we promised cheap oil as a benefit for removing Hussein? How did that work out for us?
And we know that he had cut- outs in the form of terrorists that owed him favors. I know where you might go with this so I will say that these guys were not Al Queda. But they were terorists, they were willing to die for a cause and they hated America with a passion.
Saddam Hussein, and the government of Iraq did support the Palestinians, and the Lebanese against Israeli occupation. Any terrorists that Hussein might have supported did not have the global reach, which was the phrase the President used.
I believe there are legitimate greivences among the people in that region of the world. I do not know what the best way to address the situation. But to pretend there are not real greivences is to be willfully blind.
Lastly, the statement that those fighting in Palestine, Israel, and Lebanon 'hate America' needs to be supported. It may be true that there are some who are displeased with America's seeming blind support of Israel. The 'Your With Us or Against Us' mentality of the current administration, quite probably, goes a long way to further the hostile sentiment.
And Hussein was a guy that got his head handed to him by America in one war and yet still thought he could out smart and out fight them the second time.
How's this second time working out for us?
It seems to me, that President Hussein said that if America invaded Iraq, it would become another Vietnam for us. Now I may be mis-remembering this quote. I have searched for it a couple of times, because sadly, that seems to be what our invasion has become.
How long will it be before the helicopters are pulling the last American troops from the rooftops of the Green Zone?
We could not bet that he would not think that he could do something like a biological attack on the US and get away with it.
Oh, and you don't launch smallpox against a goverment. You launch it against a people. If he gave guns to terrorists they could aim them at him. But unless they were willing to kill off millions of innocent Muslims, they could not use smallpox in Iraq. But they would gleefully use them in America.
There did not need to be any bet. There was no need for gambling. The world community had the best minds available searching Iraq for the Weapons you are so afraid of, and they were coming up empty. Given a few more weeks of inspection, they could have said with as much certainty as possible that Iraq did not have smallpox, or anthrax.
Were the demands at the end of the Gulf War about declaring Iraq WMD free ... or about removing a President we did not approve of?
Sure it would not go over in a court of law as something to convict someone. But I would use it in a defense if I had to shoot someone and be on good legal ground. And I am sure that there are people who will demand 100 percent proof that someone is about to launch an attack on the US before they would condone violence against them. I say that such people are soft on defense since that might be too late and we may never know until after the attacks like 9-11 and the anthrax cases.
On August 6, 2001, the President was handed a memo stating that Osama Bin Laden was determined to Strike In the United States. What's more, two operatives from the Central Intelligence Agency flew down to Crawford, Texas to tell him this was the real deal. As I understand it, President Bush told these operatives, that they had "covered their asses".
In August 2001, against a real threat, it was not sufficient evidence to do anything. It was a 'historical document', according to our National Security Director.
But, despite the Administrations lack of action then, you are using it as an argument to justify the invasion of a country that did not threaten the United States.
The bloody body lying in front of you was no threat. What should a court of law do then?
It is not a case where we would have proof of something. But it is a case where we can see that Hussein had the intent to do the US harm, had the means in the near future after the sanctions was lifted and had the oppurtunity by way of his terrorist contacts. He was a danger. And we could not take the chance that he would not do something like this after all the things he has done in the past.
But, we could have had proof ... if we had a bit of patience. Our questions about Iraq's non-conventional weapons would have been sufficiently answered.
You claim that Hussein intended to do the US harm. How do you justify this? As I understand my history, he informed the United States he was going to retake the 19th province of Iraq in 1991, and believed he received a 'green light' from our ambassador. After that, the argument can as easily be made that he wanted revenge for the American betrayal. I think a more cogent argument is that Hussein wanted the respect of the United States, and the other states in his region.
Don Roley, I believe all of your argument is comes down to 'we want him to be a danger to us', because there is little evidence that he ever posed a threat to the continental United States. Yes - he posed a threat to Israel. But, in 2002 and 2003, we were in the process of ensuring tha threat was not chemical, biological or nuclear.
How many other leaders can we not take a chance about? And now that our military is completely trapped in Iraq, how can we properly address any threats that might arise?
The war in Iraq has made the United States less secure. It has become a training ground for terrorists, as we see the tactics leanred in Iraq spread to Afghanistan. It has added a heavy debt to our country in money, and lives, and livelyhoods.
Thank you, Don Roley, for the discussion.