michaeledward said:
That you presupose to know what action I will or will not take in the event of some unknown future action that may or may not happen speaks volumes about your prejudices; but says very little (or nothing) about me.
But, I'm glad to see that you so carelessly disregard the Constitution.
Negative props to you for unsubstantiated assertions of the actions of others.
My wife has these cool sunglasses. Pleasant shade of green. Great for bright sunny conditions. Amazingly, you put the glasses on, and everything takes on a shade of green! The bricks, the grass, the sky... just a nice shade of green. Some of the things, like the grass, some of the cars, the trees... they are really green. Some things are not. Discovering the truth of the color depends on taking the glasses off. Just because someone -looks- green does not mean it is. Same can be said of the converse. Just because something -does- look green does not mean it is not... however, when you wear those glasses, its very hard to tell the true color of things...
Same thing works with biases in this situation. You have a very certain bias toward anything coming out of this administration. Its always seen as green. I have certain other biases. I admit that. Please be so kind as to admit yours. The same thing happened when Clinton was in office, and if a Democrat gets back into office it will happen again. One major difference is the media seemed to be in love with Clinton, so the volume was not quite so loud.
We all have biases. I'm just calling yours out. Even the title of this thread spoke to it. This has been mentioned previously in this thread. Regarding "speaking volumes about my prejudices", you have done quite a bit of that yourself. Negative props? If you so wish. Some of us don't have our reps disabled

You also did not speak to the veracity of my statements.
The Constitution? Read my quote in my signature. Its quite applicable to today. In the past during times of wars, elements of the constitution have been tread upon. What we -do- need to do is make sure this is not overstepping bounds. congress should be looking into it. If they decide its too much, I'm fine with that. I personally don't care for Uncle Sam to know what kind of pizza I'm calling in. The Constitution is a critical part of our country. When/if things are resolved, the norm should return. We still don't keep Southern sympathizers in prisons w/out just cause. We still don't keep Japanese Americans in internment camps. The only thing I'm afraid of is that the enemy we are fighting is going to stick around for a long time. No discrete nation to bomb, rather a deeply ingrained ideal we are fighting. Thats alot tougher than a nation in my opinion.
I don't -enjoy- having the constitution tread upon. I don't enjoy having NYC attacked. I would not enjoy having LA bombed or DC in flames. Which poison do I prefer? Millions potentially dead or someone potentially listening to me order a pizza? I'd rather have an eavesdropper. How about you? Lets ask some of the relatives of 9/11 victims. WTC bombing, Oklahoma City, 7/7 in London, the train in spain... I don't want this becoming the norm. If listening to a phone call or two would potentially stop it, I'd be a fan of it. There needs to be some kind of controlling authority to make sure noone ever oversteps their bounds. I'd like that. some independant auditing of their practices....
ok, now that is out of the way... since you did not deal with -anything- I made a point of, I will repeat myself and ask for a response.
1) I gave you four specific scenarios with two binary variables. Please comment on them. Give me scenarios in which Bush is still in office and you would be praising him for his job in dealing with terrorism. Then I will retract my statement about you complaining about him. Until that is done, I stand behind my statements. One by one would be appropriate if you like. You bash me about my suppositions regarding your opinions, prove me wrong! I'll be man enough to admit my error.
2) Money transactions are being tracked. Your opinions on this? This has been in effect for a long time to track money laundering. How is this different? Exchanging cash rather than words? Were you upset when/if you made a downpayment for a house/car? transfered over 10k in cash? Made a big commission?
3) They monitor international calls sometimes. Do you have a problem with this? If some guy is calling Afghanistan and a known terrorist cell phone, shouldn't we be listening? Your opinions?
4) If this caller (from 3)) starts making alot of calls inside of the US, wouldn't that raise some flags?
Sincerely, the blue colored sunglass man.