Is anyone going to affliction banned

Not gonna be able to go myself but I'd love to. Who do you work for that you're gettin' so lucky as to be "ordered" to go to this? Sounds kinda like a Briar Rabbit kinda deal to me. "No, Boss! Please don't make me go to that awful fight thing!" ;)
no i dont work for a newspaper although i used to work for the l.a. times (thank God i dont any more). I work for a website but not to sure of the rules here so i dont want to put the name out and have any problems.
They're marketing it pretty heavy. Even my lil' middle o' nowhere school got a packet of flyers and post cards to hand out to students and such. I set most of them on the counter of the gym, and they're gone, but I don't know if people took them because they were interested or used 'em for scrap paper.
Well, it seems nobody over here is going to be watching it now. It was due to be shown on Bravo and a lot of people I know were going to watch it. this is the link that someone posted up on a Uk MMA forum, it doesn't really explain much but theres plenty of speculation.