MartialTalk news - Summer 2008

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
MartialTalk news - Summer 2008

Greetings everyone. Summer is upon us, and it's looking to be a great one. A lot of great seminars and camps coming up, as well as the warm weather coming back.

As we do on occasion, we're sending out this short newsletter updating everyone of some major things on the site that may have been missed or forgotten about.

We will shortly be updating the site to a new and improved version of vBulletin. There are alot of great new features in store, including integration with social bookmarking sites such as DIGG, and profile personalization.

Good training!

- Bob

2008 Meet & Greet- Buffalo NY - July 18, 19 & 20th 2008.
Datu Tim Hartman & Bob Hubbard will be hosting a combined MartialTalk/MartialTalk/FMATalk/WNY Martial Arts Meet & Greet in Buffalo NY - July 18, 19 & 20th 2008.

This is a great opportunity to meet up with your fellow board members and put a face to the name. It is also a great opportunity to see what other arts offer that might compliment your kenpo training, or just be something different and fun.

- Sal Todaro (PA) - Modern Arnis / Balintawak
- Terry & Yolanda Stoker (TX) - TKD
- Jason Arnold (ONT) - Kenpo
- Daniel Tesmer & Steven Fine (OH) - Combat Hapkido.
- Jack Latorre (NY) - Pekiti Tirsia
- Tom Quinn - (NY) - Nihon Goshin Aikido
- Brian R. VanCise (MI) - Instinctive Response Training
- Mark Stoddard (NY) - Wing Chun
- Tim Hartman (NY) - Modern Arnis / Kombatan / Balintawak

Weekend Rate
Early Bird Special: Before June 30, 2008 = $35 (US)
After July 1st 2008 / At the door = $50 (US)
(Supporting Members save $5)

For full information and online registration please click here

Articles Wanted
MartialTalk publishes an online E-zine and wants your articles.
We are looking for articles on history, techniques, forms, training tips, newbie advice, and maximizing your learning.
As a submitter you retain copyright of your work, and benefit from our vast distribution network. Articles submitted to MartialTalk's Ezine appear on other 'Talk network sites such as MartialTalk, and
For more information, please see the Ezine Section

Summer Training Tips
With the return of warm weather, some of us will have the chance to do some training outdoors, catch up on our year work, or just hit the beach and catch some sun. When doing this, remember the following:
- Wear Sun Screen - Sun burn hurts, and too much sun can cause health problems as you get older. If you're going to be in the sun, put on some sunscreen to help protect your skin.
- Wear sunglass with UV protection. Sure they cost a couple bucks more than the cheapies, but the added protection for your eyes is well worth it.
- Stay Cool. Don't be afraid to duck under some shade or into some place with AC if things get too hot. Heat stroke kills hundreds of people ever year. Be safe, stay cool!
- Drink plenty of water! Staying hydrated is crucial to your well being, and most people don't drink enough. This is especially important during the summer when you'll be sweating more than normal.
- Use Deodorant! This is very important in the summer months. Don't wait until you see your training partners dropping at ten paces. Spray it, roll it or rub it, but do your part to keep the funk down. Your partners will thank you.
- Wash your uniform regularly. It will help keep it looking and smelling good during the warm months.

Safe and Fun training!

Supporting Memberships
MartialTalk is supported primarily by it's members. If you enjoy the site, please consider showing your support with a Supporting Membership. At 5 cents a day, it's affordable, and helps keep one of the best martial arts sites running. You receive a special banner on your profile, access to Supporting Member only features, as well as several profile enhancements like more PM space and a larger avatar. For those who really want to shine, we recommend our Gold Key membership.
More information is available at
Thank you for your support!

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Tuhon Ray Dionaldo Seminar
June 28th - 29th, 2008
Greensboro, NC

You are all invited to a seminar featuring Tuhon Ray Dionaldo, Founder of FCS-Kali.

Tuhon Ray has over twenty years of martial arts experience, founder of FCS-Kali, an international teacher of the martial arts, received the title of Tuhon from Grand Tuhon Christopher Sayoc of Sayoc-Kali. He is also a recent author and is now a much sought after motivational speaker.

The seminar will be held on June 28th - 29th, 2008 in Greensboro, NC at the YWCA of Greensboro.

The seminar prices are $75.00 for a one day attendance and $100.00 for both days.

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All I can say is Thanks I have learned so much from so many peole here. Lets keep it going.

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