Life circumstances in life can change very much very quickly


Blue Belt
So I learned in the last month the most popular guy I went to high school with is in Federal Prison for 12 years 7 months on for some white collar crimes. ( Tax fraud, money laundering). Seemed like he had in all. Athletic, lots of friends and could date anyone girl he wanted. One of the most popular girls I went to high school with also just died for Covid 19 in the last month. She was 43 years young and in good shape I am assuming but don't know her medical history obviously. She was not like really overweight.

So it made me think you never know how things will end up in life. The people who look like they have it all and have great lives (popular, talented, athletic and no problems it appears with dating or making friends) 25 years ago does not predict how lives will turn out later.

My life 25 years ago in high school and into my early 20's was miserable. No friends, could not find a date to save my life. Horrible mental health issues with anxiety. Now I am in a much better place but certainly not perfect. Some friends, have a decent job, in good shape physically, some dating success and doing pretty good money wise.

I guess my point is and what it made me think of is that just because your life is bad right now dosen't mean you can't make positive changes and be in a far better place years from now. So that should give people on this site struggling some hope. Another lesson that I take from this is to enjoy the good times because things can go south very quickly in life.

Anyway thoughts?
So I learned in the last month the most popular guy I went to high school with is in Federal Prison for 12 years 7 months on for some white collar crimes. ( Tax fraud, money laundering). Seemed like he had in all. Athletic, lots of friends and could date anyone girl he wanted. One of the most popular girls I went to high school with also just died for Covid 19 in the last month. She was 43 years young and in good shape I am assuming but don't know her medical history obviously. She was not like really overweight.

So it made me think you never know how things will end up in life. The people who look like they have it all and have great lives (popular, talented, athletic and no problems it appears with dating or making friends) 25 years ago does not predict how lives will turn out later.

My life 25 years ago in high school and into my early 20's was miserable. No friends, could not find a date to save my life. Horrible mental health issues with anxiety. Now I am in a much better place but certainly not perfect. Some friends, have a decent job, in good shape physically, some dating success and doing pretty good money wise.

I guess my point is and what it made me think of is that just because your life is bad right now dosen't mean you can't make positive changes and be in a far better place years from now. So that should give people on this site struggling some hope. Another lesson that I take from this is to enjoy the good times because things can go south very quickly in life.

Anyway thoughts?
Thoughts? Yes. :)

Life is fleeting, one never knows what's coming. It's a good reason to enjoy and explore many things.

There's a quote from Mark Twain -

"The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time."

That's why we should go for it. Go get it. New in the Martial Arts? Train honestly, spar with everyone, especially the advanced guys in your dojo that you're intimidated by. Too tired to train today? Get your ash up and go.

Go for everything. Schooling, travel, jobs, just go for them. Live fellas. And it's never too late to start.
Very well said @Chrisinmd . Life is certainly not as predictable nor controllable as we think. I know there are still very deep struggles I'm having in life, but I am certainly doing a bit better the last few months. Whether they will fully resolve who knows... but I'm certainly trying to approach life from a more flexible and open place. Less rigid. Learning from nature and its cycles helps, everything moves in phases and seasons.

The trajectory that's been weaving it's way in my life, unseen but surely, is something really beautiful... so I'm following it. Thanks for sharing your experiences too. Never any shame in struggling and can really help in sharing it. We all have 'stuff' on some level.

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