Is a punching bag worth $730?

for 730 it should fight my fights for me while I watch with a beer in my hand... that it served me.

Get a heavy bag and a pair of focus mits. JMHO.
Drac said:
Is a punching bag worth $730.00? Only if it can wake up after putting the coffee on...

Crap... It was supposed to read only if it can wake YOU up after putting the coffee on..So much for that typing class...
It looks like you get two bags with the that brings the price down to about $365 a bag....see not so bad now is it. :)
There might be a bag worth $730 but this isn't it. There is no movement and they just stay rigidly on a wall. A Banana bag and a regular heavy bag would be cheaper and move allowing for interaction.

Kenpodoc said:
There might be a bag worth $730 but this isn't it. There is no movement and they just stay rigidly on a wall. A Banana bag and a regular heavy bag would be cheaper and move allowing for interaction.

At $730, it should at least be able to hit back.
Lisa said:
Tell you what. I am willing to make an honorable sacrifice and make sure it is worth your money. So please buy one, send it to me, I will use it for a while and get back to you whether or not you should get one for your school.

I am just so unselfish that way ;) :D :p
Send it my way next so you can get a different opinion/perspective on it as well.

Everybody line up okay... I'm after Lisa. :D