buying a punch bag


, I've decided that i can't put off getting a punch bag any longer, . I,clearly need a five,foot heavy bag, or even better one of them free standing ones. The problem is i can't have one in the,flat, i get enough noise complaints as it is, i could drag it to the the,short,distance to the park, but Il attract a,crowd of youths ether taking the mickey or even worse wanting a go.

so I've compromised on a kids two foot everlast bag, which i can put in a rucksack and take to the woods with me. I could take a 5ft bag, but i don't really fancy carrying it 6miles, even though that a good work out by its self. The two foot one isn't that light if you have to carry it,

its not the biggest problem at the moment, as i want it to work on speed and movement rather than power, and as,a target that i can increase in height for my kicking practise. But I'm thinking i could tie it by guy ropes to stop it swinging so much when i do start powering it a bit.

any,suggestions other than punching trees, ?
, I've decided that i can't put off getting a punch bag any longer, . I,clearly need a five,foot heavy bag, or even better one of them free standing ones. The problem is i can't have one in the,flat, i get enough noise complaints as it is, i could drag it to the the,short,distance to the park, but Il attract a,crowd of youths ether taking the mickey or even worse wanting a go.

so I've compromised on a kids two foot everlast bag, which i can put in a rucksack and take to the woods with me. I could take a 5ft bag, but i don't really fancy carrying it 6miles, even though that a good work out by its self. The two foot one isn't that light if you have to carry it,

its not the biggest problem at the moment, as i want it to work on speed and movement rather than power, and as,a target that i can increase in height for my kicking practise. But I'm thinking i could tie it by guy ropes to stop it swinging so much when i do start powering it a bit.

any,suggestions other than punching trees, ?
One thought is you could stash 2 or 3 sand bags in the woods. Get a 4 foot bag and fill it with cloth, keeping it light and leave some space in the middle. When you get to the woods, unzip it and stuff in the sandbags to add weight. It'd still be a little light, maybe, but should be better than the smaller one. If you use the rucksack to carry it, you can stuff the top with the rucksack after you put in the sand bags.

It's a pretty half-baked idea, Jobo, but maybe some version of it gives you a heavier bag to work with, without having to carry the damned thing 6 miles every time. If that doesn't seem workable, I'd use elastic lines to anchor it (maybe you can find a heavy rock to anchor to), so there's more free give and it can swing more.
Do you have neighbors upstairs, downstairs, or both?

If you're on the ground floor, a freestanding bag could work. Put it on one of those thick rubber mats like this...
TrafficMASTER Black 36 in. x 36 in. Rubber Anti-Fatigue Comfort Mat-KFTRM9191-1 - The Home Depot
I have a Century BOB XL on one in my basement. It doesn't move around, and the people living on the first floor above it don't hear much. If it's really quiet, as in they're reading a book without the TV or radio on, they say they can faintly hear the rocks moving around in the base and the sound of the bag being hit. Before the mat, they could hear the base pounding on the ground. I didn't buy the mat for them, I bought it to keep it from sliding. If it was upstairs in my apartment, I'm sure it would get loud.

If you're on the top floor, a hanging bag may work well. I THINK most of the sound would come from the chains that hang it. A bag with straps would probably remedy that. I don't think the bag would shake things downstairs, but that could easily depend on the structure of the home. If you have people above you, I'm pretty sure a hanging bag would cause issues.

If you're in the middle, I don't think anything would work very well. A freestanding bag when neighbors aren't home could be your only option.

As far as outside, maybe one of those kicking shields bungee corded around a tree? A rough tree might tear up the back of it though.
As far as outside, maybe one of those kicking shields bungee corded around a tree? A rough tree might tear up the back of it though.
Not a bad idea. A piece of canvas folded in half between the tree and the pad should keep the damage to a minimum

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