Intimidating Bouncers

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Don't feed the troll, please.

Who said I'm a troll? Because I have different beliefs than you and can intelligently articulate those beliefs, I'm a troll. I didn't come to this forum to troll people. But people like you can't see outside of your own limited minds, so I guess I'm a troll...
I posted this same topic on FB and a ton of my industry peers agreed with me, even my friend who is a DJ for one of the top radio stations (actual radio, no interwebs) agreed with me. Maybe I've offended the people in this industry--just goes to prove my point. You're meat heads with no brains.
I posted this same topic on FB and a ton of my industry peers agreed with me, even my friend who is a DJ for one of the top radio stations (actual radio, no interwebs) agreed with me. Maybe I've offended the people in this industry--just goes to prove my point. You're meat heads with no brains.
Well there you go if facebook agrees with you it must be true. Congrats you won the internet
can intelligently articulate those beliefs, .
Might want to try again:
Is this your ode to tyranny, the man in the soldier's hat? My family is made up of soldiers. Don't disrespect me. Bows. This is the last time I bow. I've respectively bowed because thta is what a true martial artist does. He/she gives respect. Respect goes both ways.
Is this your ode to tyranny, the man in the soldier's hat? My family is made up of soldiers. Don't disrespect me. Bows. This is the last time I bow. I've respectively bowed because thta is what a true martial artist does. He/she gives respect. Respect goes both ways.

and they say ignorance is bliss.
I'm ex military, the 'man in the army hat'... actually it's a Royal Artillery Commando green beret and he's a Battery Sgt.Maj. It's from a British comedy show about the Second World War, what he's basically saying is 'suck it up princess'.

Well there you go if facebook agrees with you it must be true. Congrats you won the internet

Facebook agrees with pathetic. I'm talking about my network of peers. Do i have the right to smack talk your network? Maybe I am talking about security, but I'll just leave you with this story my brother, a US Marshall, told me concerning security.

Two of his peers went to the Portland Trail Blazers arena to look for a fugitive. They showed their badges to the security. Security didn't have the common sense to let them in. They could have been arrested for obstruction of justice. The cops didn't feel like it was worth their time, so they went about it another way. My brother, on the other hand, said he would have made the time and arrested the bone heads. If this is an example of the fine men that represent your industry, I feel sorry for you...
Good for you. Do you want a cookie?

I have a feeling the Dowager Countess Grantham will be having the last word as this thread goes the way of the other one...locked.
Do i have the right to smack talk your network?
Sure have fun
Maybe I am talking about security, but I'll just leave you with this story my brother, a US Marshall, told me concerning security.

Two of his peers went to the Portland Trail Blazers arena to look for a fugitive. They showed their badges to the security. Security didn't have the common sense to let them in. They could have been arrested for obstruction of justice. The cops didn't feel like it was worth their time, so they went about it another way. My brother, on the other hand, said he would have made the time and arrested the bone heads. If this is an example of the fine men that represent your industry, I feel sorry for you...
Well your brother is incorrect....
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