To me, the internal/external thing are just ways to get to the attributes and skills mentioned by Ninebird8.
To me both approaches are necessary and I see no need for exclusion from each other...
since in my approach and learnings one has a higher neuromuscular training component and the other has a more cardiovascular/muscleskeletal component, both things we should emphasize for martial purposes, as well as healthy lives.
Also, the Taoist background of the CMA should embrace the balance in dualities (yin/yang), thus making it an obvious choice to balance this category of internal/external.
Also, I could categorize all day, yet that wouldn't necessarily make it a practical practice.
Or maybe it could?
I've never seen it as a fight between internal and external, as long as VERIFICATION and VALIDATION processes are in place as to gauge results and benefits.
I for one have benefited from the categorization, in that it opens up the possibility of unseen, subtle skills that can be attained with Gong Fu, and have a powerful manifestation. This permits a progressive, integrative training schedule and helps motivate and understand trainings and skills that otherwise would seem a waste of time.
More importantly, people are freakin chatterboxes, and if they can't put a name on something it usually drives them nuts until they resolve it. So you label the outside of the box "External" and the inside "Internal".
Problem solved. Let the new problem begin!
AAaaaahhhh... I really enjoy life!!! Amituofo!!
Juan M. Mercado