Senior Master
Originally posted by EL KABONG
Doc sez: "however you are not in a position to state whether he used the term or not..."
Perhaps not. But here's another Parker quote. What do you think this means?
On Sep 26, 2002, Ed Parker, Jr. posted on the KenpoNet:
"My father never referred to having a separate art nor did he use the term “Motion Kenpo”. I am not pointing this out to contradict anyone or anything I have said in the past, I am just saying that my father never used that term."
My answer doesn't change. He is speaking as you (I presume) from what he personally knows. But Edmund did not attend his Fathers seminars nor was he priveledged to every conversation or lesson he ever had. (If he had been he would have heard some really good jokes). He also made a point to say he 'wasn't contridicting himself, because he used the term before as well. But really so what?
I talked to Edmund about his statement and it is a simple and honest one. He never "heard" his father used the term, and Edmund produced most of his books and he knew Parker never wrote it as well. But the there was a lot Parker didn't write. He slapchecked like crazy but never talked or wrote about it to anyone else "that I know of." But it still exists. Edmund's post was an honest statement.
I've known Edmund since he was a little boy and watched him grow up, and even saw him entertain the notion of driving my car on prom night. I watched him go away to college for 4 years, and I saw his fathers anguish when he left for a 2 year mission for the church, and we both missed him. When Edmund was growing up I was "Uncle Ron" and still am to his children and he was E.J.
Clearly he could easily have said, "yeah I heard it." to back me up just because we're that close. But he's an honest man who gave an honest answer and he's his own man. Nobody influences him. Nobody.
But I find it curious there are other things he has said and verified as well, that some have chosen to ignore.
I also noticed you ignored what I said about others who had heard Parker use the term at seminars and stated so in other forum exchanges.
My simple suggestion is you not make this so important. I myself only use the term because there are different kenpo concepts, and in mixed company you have to show the philosophical differences. I've even been asked to do that.
So what term would you like? Clearly Kenpo is not practiced the same by everyone. How do we have an honest discussion without parameters to establish the context from which we speak? Because some find it offensive I began quite some time ago calling it "motion based kenpo." that's correct isn't it?
Just because your 'flavor' is the most popular and dominates most discussions, doesn't mean it's the only 'flavor.' Believe it or not, there are Seniors other than me still around who don't do or teach motion based Kenpo. Sorry but it is just a fact.

I.I. Kenpo

Version OS 9.2
I dunno. You give it a name, just remember your label cannot include everyone because we know everybody is not the same. Right?
If nothing else I got us another forum registration.

Hey I want a cut!