Senior Master
Originally posted by Seig
Doc, ..... I realize that controversy sells and that you have a product to sell.
We were doing fine until you got to this point. I do not have a “product to sell.” And never have I suggested that anyone should “buy” anything. Remember I do not make my living from Kenpo. Never have, but you seem to have made this about "business."
We all know that you feel or give the impression that you feel that we are all learning commercialized crap.
Well I know I have never said that. In fact I’ve only promoted a thought process that suggests there is always more to the art for all of us, and none of us should settle in and think we have it all, or try to “discover” the rest. I have also said the quality of all kenpo is dependant upon the teacher and there are some good ones.
The “we all are learning commercialized crap” comment takes in a lot of people, many of whom I have high praise for. Sorry if you feel that way but you can’t lie that at my feet. If you think you’re learning “crap” then you need to do something about it, but that didn't come from me. It would appear you’re a bit insecure about what you know. That means to me you should study and inquire more and expand your understanding. However, I don't know what you do so I have no comment on that.
I, sir, for one am growing quite weary of it.
Weary of what? Thinking? Examining? Looking at things a different way and finding something new in what you do? Reading? There are new people here all the time. Some are not from kenpo who come to learn and discuss different ideas, and many others are new to Kenpo. Surely you can't think this forum is a static group of posters and readers, so once we say something that's it.
People come here all the time and ask questions already answered on other strings. Should they be ignored? But regardless, IÂ’m sure IÂ’m not affecting your business. I donÂ’t do distance students and you are not in my city and you come here voluntarily.
Funny there are some guys who pick fights and never offere anything of value and everybody loves them. I make you think, and you're "tired of it."
I am not one of those that refuses to see that there is always more to learn, but I too have a business to run. We, in Kenpo, whatever the flavor, all come from the same roots.
That may be true in your eyes, but you want to have it your way. No, there is no “too.” I do not have a business to run “too, ” and I can’t see how I impact on your business.
To see anyone, much less a senior, bashing or giving the impression of bashing on the art, makes us all look bad.
I don't bash, but sometimes the truth is a hard pill to swallow. Anything that challenges our "beliefs" can be difficult. I’m sorry for your impressions or that you feel you “look bad,” but asking people to think and discuss is what good teachers do.
The ones that just tell you what you want to hear are not teaching, or just taking your money. Unfortunately a good teacher sometimes tells you things you don't want to hear. Because this is a forum, if you arenÂ’t interested please ignore the questions or skip over my name, but you canÂ’t censor comments to make yourself or your students feel better about what you do.
In my own education, it was always the teachers that were really hard that I remember and laugh about now. Of course at the time it wasn't funny they were so tough, but those are the ones I really learned from. They challenged me and forced me to think.
I love my art, as you love yours, I do not discredit you or try to. Why, sir, do you incessantly try and negate what we do?
You see I don't consider our arts "different." Once again thatÂ’s coming from you, not me. You and your teacher may have a different interpretation. So if I give you information you donÂ’t have, or make you think, than IÂ’m bashing? Bashing whom? You? I have dialog with people all the time who donÂ’t feel that way.
My good friend Dennis Conatser provides a different perspective and point of view from his generation of kenpo and he doesnÂ’t always agree with me, but he doesnÂ’t think I make him "look bad." Sometimes we agree and sometimes we don't, but I always respect his intelligence and insight. He forces me to think about his perspectives that also have value.
Does he bash, or are the bashers only people who disagree on certain points? It's kinda like the anons on Kenponet. As long as they give compliments there's no problem, but if they disagree they're attacked for being anon, instead discussing what they had to say.
My students read this board and I would rather they get more useful information to stimulate their thought processes and to fuel intelligent questions instead of what has the earmarks of propoganda.
Wow, that was a really strong word. If you mean encourage students to always strive for more information and constantly examine what they do and improve, then “propaganda” it is. So how will your students know the difference? Will you tell them what is “useful” and what should stimulate them?” Do you decide what is “propaganda” for them or are they allowed to think for themselves? My students think for themselves, and I tell them never to take my word for anything. I ask them to always examine everything for themselves and listen to everybody's perspective, and visit any school any style they want.
I guess what I am asking, sir, is that you continue with the informative and educational posts, as well as the fun ones, and to quit stirring a pot that is already overdone.
Well weÂ’re back to who is going to decide what is informative and educational, and how should it be worded and disseminated. Should I send my posts to you and have you edit them for me? Are you going to tell me what is OK and what is not? IÂ’m already doing what I think is informative, but you donÂ’t like it. Now what? Maybe the administrator should decide what's reasonable. If I get out of line, I'm sure I'll hear from him. When and If I hear from him, is he bashing?
One of the things you can’t do is say “I only want this” unless you’re willing to censor yourself. I’ve never had a teacher who only gave me what I want, when I want, and how I want it, no matter how I interpreted a lesson.
My teaching style is taken directly from my greatest influnece, Ed Parker. He laughed and joked, then challenged me, made me think, forced me to come up with my own answers, and told me when I was wrong and congratulated me when I was right. Sometimes he even made me think I was wrong when I was right to see if I really believed in my answer and could defend my position.
That’s what good teachers do – they challenge your status quo. If they don’t, how will students learn to think for themselves and grow? Those who don’t want to think or grow should not participate.
Bottom line you have to take what you perceive as the good and the bad if you want the good. If you hang in there you might find “it’s all good.” I mean you know disrespect but I teach. that's what I do, and I'm fairly good at it.
If you disagree, just skip skip over my name please. I'm fine with that.
IÂ’m also sorry you found something so disturbing in Mr. ParkerÂ’s quote, but you never did share what you thought it might mean, and apparently your interpretation was negative. At any rate IÂ’m not going to change what I do because it makes you uncomfortable. From the volume of my e-mail, many I share information with firmly disagree with you, and are actually grateful for another perspective, even if they don't use it.
Hey you know I don't even charge them. Maybe you should run my “business.”
Things that make you say Hummmmmmm!

Stay loose, "It ain't that serious."