Injury update Feb '09

woo hoo!


How are things with the family?

It's been a very hard month. My grandmother died on Feb 9th & my father-in-law died on Feb 21st. They were both surrounded by people who loved them.

Thanks for asking.
Hello mate,

Sorry to hear things are pretty crap now. Ever notice how it all kicks off at once...?

Hang in there, face the problems one at a time, and try not to let it get on top of you. Make sure you get plenty of rest, take care of yourself, it's easy through intensely stressful times to neglect yourself. Best of British mate. Sincerely.

I'm glad the calf is doing better. Almost a year off from training wow~

I am also sorry to hear of your losses.

Hang in there.
I missed this whole story somehow... :(

I'm really glad your muscle injuries seem to be on the road to recovery. Several years ago, when I had a bad weightlifting accident, with full-thickness muscle tears in my shoulder and a fractured scapula, it took me something like eight months, with six months of that doing serious physiotherapy, to get back to normal, and even then it was dicey for a few months more. These soft tissue injuries are the pits, no question—most bone fractures are a piece of cake by comparison. What I find surpising is that the very first doctor you saw didn't order an MRI scan. That would have shown the tear clearly and in detail. It shouldn't be something that people have to guess about, for heaven's sake! Just be careful and cautious getting back into training, eh?

As for the losses in your family... very, very sorry to hear about that. We get to a certain age and stage and this starts happening... it's inevitable but that doesn't make it any easier. Part of life, an important part, is denial of mortality—we couldn't get through on a daily basis if we thought about it much. Makes it that much harder, though, when we do have to confront it... we have to swallow it and carry on, but that's not much comfort, I know. Hope things are going better now for you...

Glad you are finally seeing some recuperation in your ordeal.

Sorry to learn of the passing of your family members. We will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.
It's been a very hard month. My grandmother died on Feb 9th & my father-in-law died on Feb 21st. They were both surrounded by people who loved them.

Thanks for asking.

Tom as always you and your family are in our prayers and I am glad your health is finally getting better.
Tom - please accept my condolences on the loss of your family members, and my hopes that your family, like your leg, will continue to heal without complications.