Noises in my Knee

Mr.Rooster said:
Sure, blame it on knee pops. If a dog were around you'd blame it right?
I suggest no beans before training time.
Hey, a guy's gotta get his protein somewhere! :wink1:

What did you have done on your other knee? How long ago? I ask because I have kinda the same thing. I had a right acl reconstruction & medial meniscus repair in 2002. The meniscus repair didn't hold and just had meniscus removed December 2005. My surgeon said even in properly rehabed knees we still sometimes unknowingly compensate by putting more stress on the other knee. My instructor notices this especially at the end of a training session. I don't chamber my surgically repaired knee as well, and I spin differently one way from the other. So this added stress = knee problems. I do extra quad/ham strengthening and supplement with glucosamine and chondroitin, but I still have problems with certain kicks.
tkd_jen said:

What did you have done on your other knee? How long ago? I ask because I have kinda the same thing. I had a right acl reconstruction & medial meniscus repair in 2002. The meniscus repair didn't hold and just had meniscus removed December 2005. My surgeon said even in properly rehabed knees we still sometimes unknowingly compensate by putting more stress on the other knee. My instructor notices this especially at the end of a training session. I don't chamber my surgically repaired knee as well, and I spin differently one way from the other. So this added stress = knee problems. I do extra quad/ham strengthening and supplement with glucosamine and chondroitin, but I still have problems with certain kicks.
TKD Jen,
I had some cartilage removed from my left knee (medial meniscus) about 15 years ago. Since the surgery, I have had relatively little problems with that knee. It does swell on me from time to time, and it does give me some pain – especially if I haven’t worked out for a while, but all in all, it’s been pretty good. It’s only recently that I’ve had the “issue” with my right knee (pain/burning in the back center and the noises I’ve described). To be honest I have wondered the same thing – have all the years of over-compensating for my left knee caught up with me?...I guess we’ll see. I plan to go to the doctor soon to have a look! I’ll keep you posted. Good luck with your rehab as you train.
Interestingly enough, it seems I have an inflamed Iliotibial Band in my right knee. I'm coming off of a pretty severe hamstring pull in my right leg – something I did back in November – and apparently my overcompensation for this is what has caused by IB to flare up. I’ve got some stretching and strengthening excercises to do so hopefully that will work out. Crazy…
Sorry to revive an old topic, but I also have knee problems. I have misaligned patellas that put me in physical therapy three years ago, and RA, which occasionally limits my ability to do breaking. I was wondering what knee strengthening exercises you guys use? I'm still doing some of the ones from PT (not all, as they reuire equipment I don't have), and someone else recommended balance poses from yoga...
I wear leg braces all day, training or not. A pic of the knee brace I have to wear.

A few training ideas for knee problems I have found to help immensely are a few of the following: Do a lot of hip and hamstring flexibility, also do a lot of kicking reps. For round kick and side kick I predominately do front leg. The more you try and tone the areas of the quads, hamstrings, abductors and adductors the better off you will be.

Do not do weight training, this will only make things worse.
I've been having similar problems...started with popping in the knees (no pain, just noise) then it evolved into pain and swelling. I saw my ortho and he stated patella no tracking correctly. Then was told to do pt for strengthening the quads and such. Not much improvment. Now going to have lateral release on right knee. I decided to go ahead and test for my blue belt before I have the surgery. So glad I did! I passed and actually did better than I expected! Although, while sparring during the test, I felt a pop in my left knee (my "good" knee) and didn't have much pain but it didn't feel quite right. This morning having alot of swelling as well as some pain and stiffness. I think I'll be seeing the ortho this pm! Please don't anyone take your knees for granted. If there's noise or pain, get it checked anyway! Nip it in the bud! Just my two cents!

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